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Date: September 26th 1916
Harold Irwin

The House. No. 8. Wharf.
North Wharf Road.
Padd. London. W.

Sept: 26th 1916.

Dearest Mother,

I have just written Greta & will just start a few lines to you. I received your letter of 9. 9. 16 this morning & was so sorry to hear that you are feeling so poorly & down hearted. & do so hope you are feeling better. I am feeling ever so well still & now that Harold has finished his treatment I hope he will be getting fat & well before the winter sets in. I know these English winters do not suit him & I shall be so glad to get him back to Canada safely. He is so very precious to me. & I know he could never stand a winter in France. My Brother Dick wrote the other day from the Trenches & said he had received my letter of cheerfulness about the lovely Autumnal weather we were having. He read it sitting in mud up to his neck & sure did laugh about my lovely weather. & would we send him a pair of nice thick warm socks as his feet did get so wet. Otherwise he was in the pink & keeping happy & smiling. He is very grateful to get Mother’s parcel of cakes every week, says money is no good out there. Nothing to buy & the whole country laid to waste. You want to know what the baby’s name is! Well, it is Marjorie just now, but of course by the 20th of next month it may be Laurense, I am glad to say that everything seems straightforward now. This morning I somehow got my feet tangled up in my dressing gown (the worst of having big ones). & fell down stairs. That comes of getting up early to go to the doctor’s. I had to go this morning for them to try & turn the animal for the 3rd time. It was too obstinate each time before. The doctor (Lady) said that I had somehow managed to save them a lot of trouble as it had turned itself. I told her that I fell downstairs this morning. but didn’t hurt myself & she said I had done myself a good turn but not to do it again. The head is nicely in possition, so that the next Zeppelin raid we get, I should think will settle the question

Well, I guess that doesn’t matter so much, so long as it isn’t a Zeppelin. Harold says that a woman over his way gave birth to a Zeppelin the other day, but fortunately it didn’t live long. I am rather nervous about living over that way. They think nothing of one or two raids every week & it is so near the Amunition too. We are about as safe as anywhere here. although it takes a lot of our money, which we can ill afford for Harold to come backwards & forwards. I was hoping to get your letter with the money in on this mail as Harold hasn’t been able to get his money again for the last 2 mths. & I hope the money comes before that very wonderful parcel as I am afraid we shall have to pay duty on it this end as it is sent to a private address & Not Barracks or Camp. Didn’t Harold tell you that I had to pay 2s /9d about 68¢ for that parcel of cigarettes which you sent Harold to this address. The English Customs opened it. If they open the parcel. I guess we cannot make them believe that a soldier needed those things to keep him warm in the trenches eh! But hope we may get it through alright.

I am sorry that you won’t be able to see the little animal when it is tiny, ‘cos I’m sure you love them newly born. I think they are lovely then. Little tiny cuddlesome things. Harold wants them to be 2 yrs old when they are born. He says he will like it only if he is not expected to touch it. But I think he will sure change his mind when he sees his very own, don’t you? Mother dear, Then perhaps I won’t let him touch it if he wants too, eh! You need not be afraid we shall spoil the animal as I think it is very unkind to the child not to bring it up to a certain amount of disipline & troublesome children are a nuisance to everyone. It will find itself put to bed at a pretty regular time from the first so that it will know that it is no use wanting to stop up late. & have suppers etc. Though I am afraid Harold will get a little bit blue because I won’t take it out nights to shows when he feels he wants to take me. But as he would persist in being a family man so soon, I guess he will just have to get used to it, poor boy. Babies are so artful even if they are only a few weeks old aren’t they. & just cry to see if they will be picked up & fed every few mins. That is why I think it is better to have a girl first, because one is not so much afraid of letting her cry too much. & then one is more used to the artful little animals when #2 comes along. We have been married just 9 mths today. Harold says it seems years ago. I wish I could have been with him all the time.

Sept. 28th

Dearest Mother,

There is great excitement in the house today. That wonderful parcel arrived this morning quite intact & nothing extra to pay. But of course I couldn’t wait right until Sat: before I opened it. & Harold wouldn’t understand what all the things were. He will sure want to know if it wears them all at once. & whether the cute little dressing gown is for it to walk out in. What will be most in his line, Is the box of cigarettes. It is really marvelous what a lot of things you managed to get into that parcel & it was most beautifully packed. I like the Teddy-bear cover, it looks so cosy. Mother & I sure had some laugh over those long stockings. Do you really put little babies in those over there? We never see them here you know. I sure have a lot to learn about your ways & when I bring the animal over I guess you will laugh at me as I shall be sure to put some of those numberous vests arrangements in the wrong place. Someone has been very busy to work on those cute little towels. Well, I must thank you all very much for all the good things. I am also pleased to tell you that Harold brought me along the 25 dollars which you sent, last night. So we shall be able to go on living for a little longer now. Also, he had a letter from Bert. Which is good news. Was beginning to think he had got lost. He is at Bramshott. down Salisbury way. where the mud is. I remember Greta saying that he didn’t like the dust at Vernon. Well, I guess he has got a complete change now. I think I have written quite a lot for me. Must write to Greta & Hazel again later. With Best Love, trusting you are feeling heaps better I remain your affectionate daughter. Florence

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1916.09.26.01 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.26.02 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.26.03 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.26.04 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.26.05 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.26.06 Irwin.Harold.1916.09.26.envelope