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Date: April 5th 1916
Harold Irwin

Sapper H.L. Irwin C.E.
c/o Can Ordnance

no 2339.

April 5th 16     

My Dearest Mother

I have rec three letters from you this week, one yesturday & two today, so I guess I have got all your mail now, I have rec all the money you sent all O.K. one $10 00 P.O.O. & two $15 00 P.O.O. so that is all O.K. Dad sent me a Dollar bill last week some sovinier, But say what I would like very much is a 25 cent Shin plaster note; if you can get one send it over for a soveniur,

Well Mother I am stell at Ashford I guess I will be here untell the end of war. from all I know now. they are trying to transfer us into to Ordnance Corps. But it has not gone through as yet But will find out more later, then will let you know, The Weather has been very nice of late nice & worm just like summer But tonight it is raining again, Sunday & Monday was very worm. we went out for the day on Sunday, & had a very good time we went to Canteberry 10 miles from here & went through the Cathedral, and had a very nice trip,

Well Mother we are doing our own Cooking now, we have two rooms one for sleeping in & the other we have for cooking in eating in living room & parlor, But we get on very good. Florence does all the cooking, & cooks fine, we pay $3.00 a week for the two rooms, that means our two rooms washing coal & light, so I think that is very good dont you, and then it costs us $5.00 or $6 00 a week to live, But we have what we like and have our meals what time we like & how we like them, so it is much better then rooming & boarding out, we started this last Saturday & I am very satesfied as yet. I work untell 6 oclock now. Work from 8 A.M. to 12 noon. & from 1. P.M. untell 6 P.M. so have not very much time to myself. now & not much time to write, as I always go to bed at 10.P.M. & some times earlier, I have not been so well this last fue days as I have had a very bad cold again and also a sore throat. But it is much better tonight, Florence had a bad cold But is all O.K. again now, she is keeping very well, and has not been sick at all yet.

Well Mother I dont need any cloths as I have got all I need. just now. and for Florence she has got all she can do now to look after our lettle home, & do the cooking, & house work, and of course the lettle family when it comes, she has him to get ready for. I dont know if it is a boy or girl guess we will have to wait untell it comes befor we can tell.

Well Mother I wish I was back in Vancouver again, and hope to be by next winter, for I hope this war will be over by then, I guess this is all the news for now, Hoping you are all well. I will write Greta & Hazel as soon as I can, give my love to all. & with all My Love as ever, I will always remain your Loving Son


We have had four air raids this last week we are sure geting our share.

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4. Linden Road,

Dearest Mother,

Just a few lines to let you know I am still here. but I haven’t much to say as Harold tells you what little news we get. We are house-keeping on our own now. But not as you know it. I do the cooking on our sitting-room open fire-grate & a single gas-ring in the land-lady’s kitchen which of course we usually both want at the same time. Then I have a little methylated spirit stove for Harold to get his break-fast quick in the morning but I cannot afford to use it more than that as the spirit has gone up to 20 cents a pint. Of course it costs a little more to live this week as it is the first week & we had every little thing to buy, but we are getting along fine. Mother dear you mention bedding & house. linen etc. I think you must be forgetting that we are in fueniched rooms & of course didn’t buy any thing at all for a house. as it would be useless to have to pay carriage for it to be moved from one place to another & we never know where we shall be from one week to another. Why! the war might even end suddenly & we should be coming home & besides you know we haven’t any money at all except Harold pay & the money that you send. We just live from hand to mouth. Have you ever done that without a dollar in the bank. Anyway we should worry! We are happy enough, so long as we know we can just get enough to eat. We are both looking well on it anyhow & in spite of having a cold Harold is getting so fat that he bursts his buttons. Well, I must say good-night as the poor darling boy is so sleepy waiting for me to finish & get to bed. So with best Love

I remain

your affectionate daughter.




Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.letter.1916.04.05.01 Irwin.Harold.letter.1916.04.05.02 Irwin.Harold.letter.1916.04.05.03 Irwin.Harold.letter.1916.04.05.04 Irwin.Harold.letter.1916.04.05.05 Irwin.Harold.letter.1916.04.05.06