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Date: November 14th 1915
Harold Irwin

Sunday after noon
Nov 14th 15

My Dearest Mother

I wrote you yesturday, But as I rec your letter you wrote in Seattle the first day you got there, I rec it this morning, so I will write you a fue lines any way today as there is nothing to do around here on a Sunday,

It is a very nice day today the sun is shining for a change; But Gee it is cold. we nearly froze in our tent last night, I nearly froze stiff, The ground was all froze this morning, But it is nearly all gone now, and as mudy as ever again, I have been in club all day right around fire tring to get warm, I have got my boats off drying, and have got my slepers on, and have nearly got my feet dry & nearly warm, I also had a letter from Hazel & Greta this morning, Hazel seems to be stell happy and I hope she is always that way, and I hope Florrie & I will be the same I think we will too, as she is a good lettle Home girl, which is my stiel you know, Say Mother if you can get the lettle ring, it will be all O.K. no matter how small, and then let me know How much it is, and I will send you money, I wrote to Dad for money as I am very badly in nead of it just now on account of sickness, I asked him for $50.00 or more if he could let me have it, & hope he sends it to me,

Say Mother have you rec any of the money I asyned to you & have you got the sepuratain alowens, The Seperatun Alowns is $20 00 a month is it not, I am not sure, But if it is I have $15 00 asyned now and I asyn $10 00 a month to you, could you make out with that O.K. and then if Florrie & I get married this Xmas I think we can get along with what is left all OK. that will be about $20 00 a month for us & ration alowens is $15 00 a month that will be $35 00 a month., so I think we can fair very good with that, as she is not a very spenthreft girl, But a good lettle saver, and will do her very best with whatever I give her, But if we can not get along, we will soon find some way to do so any way, I am not going to be afraid to ask Dad for money any more,

I guess we will be married at Xmas time all right if nothing happens in mean time, I am looking foreword to it any way, and I know she would brack her lettle heart if any thing should happen to stop us, I think she would live on $5 00 a month as long as she thinks she is pleasing me, she sure thinks the world of me, and a happy lettle girl when I am with her, so I guess we will be married on Xmas day or shortly after when ever I get my leave to do so, we are going to get married in the church of England, her church, her Dad said I could have her that day, and if at any time I wonted help, not to be afraid to ask him, and he would do all he could for me, he’s very nice

Will Mother I am feeling some better today, and hope to be better soon now, I had an Operation last week, and had to pay for it my self, But it sure done me good any way. I will explain more after I come home, But say Mother you must never say any thing again lik you did about Royelty, if any one should see it they could have you in jail for life, so be very careful what you say now mother on account of war on.

must close with love Huges and Kisses, we will be Home soon, war will not last much longer, as you may have read in papers the conditons of German people just now, German officers taken prisoners told some of our officers that Germany could not last out untell spring, and if it was not for other nations coming in now, that it would be at an end now, nearly ever body expects it to be over by spring, I think it will be over befor, so I may be home befor spring yet Hope so any way. that is all I can tell you of the war, as you know nearly all of are letters are read befor they leave post office, and some of your letters are read befor I get them, so be carefull what you write, give my love to all. I will write to Hazel & Greta tonight,

With love Huges & Kisses dont foreget not to say any thing to Florrie about working out when you write, as you may know this country is diffrent then Canada, or Americans as you know we are. Always your loving son Harold.

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.01 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.02 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.03 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.04 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.05 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.06 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.07 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.08 Irwin.Harold.1915.11.14.envelope