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Date: May 28th 1915
Harold Irwin

Vernon May 28-15

My Dear Mother

I rec your letter today and glad to know every thing is all O.K every thing is fine here We have had nice weather this last fue days, but it is a myttie lonesome town. Say did you hear from Fred yet. Gee I hope he gets me some kind of a job, as the armie is all right but I am geting pritty sick of it I have got a good job out here, and I could not ask for much better I donet have to do any thing but Drive the car But I am tired of the life, I would rather be back to sevel life where there is more freedom, and it is very very lonesome at nights when we do not go out in the car, no where to go & nothing to do, I would love to be back in Vancr every night, it is not so bad in the day time as there is some thing to do all the time, I am always on the road driving one place or the other, Put nights seem long & Lonesome

I would like to be home right now wondering around the house or else up talking to Emily as I think a great deal of her, I dont know But I think I have fell in love with her, I hope she likes her work. What dose she do in the Coloneal, and I hope she is a good Girl and not doing any think that is not right, and I hope she is not running around with any other boys for I wont her myself when I come back, and I hope it is soon as I am tierd of this place I was going over some rough roads the other day with the car and broke a spring witch cost me $1.50, so I must not do that every day, I sent you a fue cents I hope you recceved it all O.K., So Mother Pleace try and get Fred to get me that job if he can at all, for we may be here a month or more longer, & maybe more then that from what the Capt said today we may be here three months and I sure am lonesome for the City & Friends & you & Emily

Say this country is sure great for geting fate in. I am geting so fate I can hadley walk, I could Eat & sleep all the time & when the sun shines it sure shines hot I am bernt black my skin is as red as a beet my face is so red you would not know me all the boys are the same,

Will I guess this is all for this time hoping you will get me a job right away & send for me, tell Fred I wont the job or die, give my love to all. Tell Hazel & Greta I will write as soon as I get time as I go to bed so early I donet get much time after I get the car away. & give my Little Girlie Emily my love & tell her to write as I am looking for a letter from her every day. for I seem to love her & cant help my self for some reason and with lots of love for your-self will say buy buy I am as ever your loving son Harold.

Original Scans

Original Scans

Irwin.Harold.1915.05.28.01 Irwin.Harold.1915.05.28.02 Irwin.Harold.1915.05.28.03 Irwin.Harold.1915.05.28.envelope