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Date: November 29th 1917
Little Sister


No. 4. Can. Mil. Hos.

Basingstoke Hants


Nov. 29 1917


Y.M.C.A. and Canadian War Contingent Association

with the Canadian Forces.


My Dear Little Sister, -


I am writing this in the hospital recreation-room. In the library outside there is a little impromtu [sic] programme going on. A few ladies from Basingstoke are helping and some of the patients & nurses are singing & reciting. Just now some one is playing a violin & it sounds very nice. The boys are just sitting around in big leather easy chairs & smoking. I came down a little too late to get a seat, and so came in to the writing room. We have such delightful recreation rooms, warm and cozy & comfortably furnished. Big fires in the fireplaces & electric lights with big red shades billiard tables an endless variety of games, - a library of the best of books all the latest papers & magazines, and enough great deep leather arm chairs for all. I love to lose myself in one of these big comfy chairs in front of the open fire, and dream away long hours - dreams of home and of the days to come.


I have just finished reading “Their High Adventure” by John Oxenham. He is a splendid writer & I must try to get some more of his books in the library. Another good book I have just read is “The Amateur Gentleman” by Jeffry Farnol


I can not help thinking of poor Mac back in that awful France. The memory of the horrors there makes me shudder. I do hope that it will not be long before he will be back in Blighty.


Poor George Somerville has paid the supreme sacrifice. Great, big-hearted, Geordie! He was so big & strong & full of life. Can it be possible that he is gone. He & Jimmy Currie were great pals and now they are together over there. They were both good fellows. No one could want better pals.


Have only had two letters from home during the past 2 1/2 weeks. Surely there will be a big batch come one of these days.


I have grown to like this hospital very much, and am more at home than in any one that I have been in yet. We have such nice sisters, & now I am the second oldest patient in C6. ward; i.e. have been there second longest. I help the sisters around the ward and can come & go and do just about as I please. Whenever I wish I can go in to the kitchen & make myself toast & tea or coffee. The sisters always have toast & tea in the morning or afternoon and if I am not around they usually send for me. Then too I can always have sister Rosse's bike to go for a ride in the country or down to Basingstoke


You can imagine that with such pleasant surroundings & with such good treatment I am feeling fine as silk. And yet how often that lonliness [sic] & longing for “my ain countree” and my 'ain folk” comes over me, and I yearn for the days when I will be back across the sea with those I love and at home again.


Must say goodnight now





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