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Date: January 2nd 1917

Maida Hill. W.


2nd January - 1917


3, Oakington Road,


My dear Markle,


I was ever so delighted to get your long and interesting letter, and I am sorry that I have not answered it before, but I am doing so now.


We were all very sorry that you were unable to spend Christmas with us, and Cam was not able to come at the last minute as his Sergeant-Major was taken ill with the Measles, and just stopped his leave (bother the Sergt. Majors they are a trouble sometimes aren't they?). so we did not have any soldiers at Christmas. Cam was expecting to have New Year leave, but it was stopped, but we are expecting him up tomorrow for a few days (if we are not disappointed again, third time lucky as we say). For Christmas holidays I had from Friday night to Thursday morning, so that if you or Cam could have been home, we could have had “Some Dandy” time time couldn't we (by the way is this an American phrase!)


I wrote to Dorothy about a fortnight after you left us, but I have not had a reply yet, but I am looking for one now. Mother had a letter from Cam's mother yesterday with a photo of herself, and last Saturday we had a Christmas Card from Bruce's & Billy's mother also with a photo.


I hope you received mother's parcel all right, she could not send it before as we hadn't got your new address, hope you found everything sound in it.


We have been having very changeable weather lately, first of all it was very cold indeed, and one night we had a very thick fog, you could not see a hand in front of you, and people were going about in bunches with torches and flash lamps and soldiers who were returning from their Christmas leave lost their way to the various Stations. Now for the last three or four days it has been very mild.


We heard from our cousin who won the D. C. M yesterday, we were getting anxious as we had not had any news of him for a month. He told us that he was coming out of the trenches for a month, and said that Dad's cousin may have brought him luck, as he was coming out, and I suppose you have gone into the trenches. He has been making enquiries for you, we told him that you were in the 8th Batt. and as the 8th & 10th are very often together, he enquired of one or two, but could not find a Pecover.


I am enclosing his address so that you may be able to find him, and when we write to him, we are going to send him your address.


Now I must close, wishing you a victorious New Year,


With kindest regards from all,


from your cousin




P.S. He has just been promoted to Sergt; shall expect to hear that you have got a stripe.


Sergt. F. Buddry, No 430759

14th Platoon,

D. Company,

10th Batt.

Canadian Division

Original Scans

Original Scans
