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Date: December 7th 1916
My Dear Ones at Home



Dec. 7 - 16


No 4


My Dear Ones at Home -


We are still at the same “Somewhere” from where I last wrote, and every day are getting an excellent and practical training that will stand us in good stead when we get 'up the line'.


Every night we have a concert in the YMCA & Argyle & I come over and write our letters while we are waiting for it to commence. I guess we are to have  musical programme tonight, as I see an orchestra going up to the platform.


The weather here still keeps chill and damp There is very little sunshine, but it rarely freezes. Every day we see the women and old men go laughing and sowing in the fields, and in many of the gardens the flowers are blooming


Argyle still has a nasty cold, and I know he worries about it, because he is so subject to colds. He has gone to the doctor a couple of times with it, but of course can get no more satisfaction from him than from any other medical officer. He just gives him a couple of pills and puts him on parade I feel as well as I ever have in my life. My appetite continues to grow every day. Rube would say it was equal to that of a young boa-constrictor. I can never get enough at the cook-house, for the rations over here are very slim and pretty poor eating at the best.


Today at noon, when I fell in the dinner? line I saw that we were to feast on sea-biscuits (hard-tack) and cheese, so I promptly fell out and got into the canteen line. When I got to the counter, I bought 1 tin lobster, a tin of pineapple, 2 cups of tea, 2 French rolls and a box of biscuits. I sat down in front of 3 hungry looking Englishmen and ate it all except the two tins. I bet those 3 Imperials have a new idea of a “colonials' appetite. It would take them four days to earn what my dinner cost; and all the poor beggars had was a cup of tea each & a package of biscuits between the three. And I was still hungry. Tonight for supper I got to the cook-house too late and so had to buy my own supper. I only had a mere trifle - Rabbit pie, mashed potatoes, 2 pieces of apple pie, 2 cups of tea, a package of biscuits and a couple of chocolate bars. My meals today cost me 6 Francs - $1.20 - and as that represents 6 days pay in France, I will not be able to have another square meal until after next pay day.


We manage to keep good and warm at night. Argyle and I, and John McRae from Wpg. all bunk together. We have 14 heavy woolen blankets between us, and so are able to make a pretty comfortable bed. McRae is one of the fellows from our old No. 7 Platoon and is a fine chap. He and Mac and I chum together all the time. He is a cousin of D. W. McQuaig of Oakland.


We are waiting every day for orders to go up to the trenches. We will get our mail when we join our battalions, and we will get far better grub there. Of course, there are other 'little things' that might make life somewhat unpleasant there, but we do not think of these, but are ready to take them as they come.


I do hope that you do not have a severe winter at home I am wondering whether you have moved to Burnside or not. I wish that I was there to look after 'Plato' and to saw the wood for Dad.


Must say good night now. Keep cheerful and bright and dont worry. Mother and dad. We are as happy as larks, here in France, and you must be too in far-away Manitoba


Your loving boy




Pte. W. M. Pecover

#875439 – 27th Batt.



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