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Date: November 24th 1916
Mother, Father and Dorothy


Shorncliffe Camp


Friday Nov. 24 '16


My Dear Mother, Father & Dorothy


I must try to get you another letter written before we leave, because when we get to France our letters will be restricted to one a week, and I can give you very little news


We are leaving for Harve on Monday morning, but will not go to direct to the trenches for two or three weeks. We will be stationed at the base for a short time, right behind the lines, where we will have to go on with our regular training until we are needed to re-inforce a battalion in the trenches


I received Dorthy's & Mother's letters tonight written on Nov. 5 & addressed to London P.O. I have also received most of the letters that were addressed to Broughton, but not my pyjamas.


Argyle is in the next squad to me. Somerville can not go in this draft because of bad teeth. Foreman has not got back from his six day pass yet. He is sick, as usual, at his brothers.


Since returning from London, the weather has been horrible. A wet, wet rain every day, and the Camp is just a sticky mud hole. We have had no drill, but have been getting everything ready to leave. All our leather equippment was changed for webb, which is much easier to wear I have a new tunic, pants shoes, shirts, underwear - a whole new outfit, and it is very comfortable I have lost nearly all my clothes in laundries since leaving Camp H. One bundle was left in Cape Breton, and two lots are lost here. Both my suits of underwear (combinations) are gone, towels, socks & I know not what, but I have every thing replaced by army issue


I have had letters, since coming to Shorncliffe from, Glady's Sexton, Agnes, Sue Kerr, Lillian Kellough & Mrs McElhoran Every one wants to know what I want, and I suppose I may as well tell them. I will give you a few suggestions. From what I can learn, the comforts in France are few and far between, and we have to depend on those at home for any thing we want.. Now don't think that I want you to send all of these things, but any of them I will be glad to get. Any thing to eat that will keep, - soft woolen socks - khaki handkerchiefs - gum or candy – a pair of felt insoles. I would like a few pictures of home – snap-shots you know. Simpsons have a little V. Pocket album that you might put a few in & send. I am mailing a couple of films for you to have developed. They are all of Broughton, & perhaps some on board ship. You might send me $5.00 once in a while from the Army cheque. We only get 15 Francs a month while we are in France. After I am wounded or after 15 mos. in the trenches, I will get back to England on leave, & I would like to have a little money then.


I wish that you would write to Aunt Nell & tell her my address. You might mention that I would like a pull over sweater and an air pillow The latter takes up no room & is a great comfort Argyle had one given to him in Glasgow. He had a great time up there with his cousins


I will write to you every week, and you write as often as you can. If you send any parcels, wrap them up good & strong & put on the complete address very plainly. If you do this I will be sure to get it, as they handle the Military Mail very carefully. I will give you my address again, to make sure that you have it right.


With a world of love from your soldier boy




Pte. W. M. P.

# 875439

A. Co. - 11th Reserve Batt. C.E.F.

Army Post Office


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