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Date: October 27th 1916
Mother, Father and Dorothy

Broughton, C.B. I – N. S.


Oct. 27 '16


Dear Mother, Father & Dorothy.


This is the last time that I will be able to put Broughton at the head of a letter, for on Monday we leave for Halifax to embark for overseas. I do not know the exact day that we will take ship, and if I did I would not be allowed to tell you, but it will be some day next week. We are very sorry now, to leave this little beauty spot, and these comfortable quarters, because it is not likely that we will get it so comfortable any place [deleted word “yet”] else


I have been waiting patiently every day for mail It seems so long since I have had word from home. Argyle & Ezra had mail sent regularly to Camp Hughes from home, & it has been forwarded to them without delay. Consequently, they have got mail every day since arriving down here.


We are going to march to Glace Bay early tomorrow morning, and are to spend the day there as a holiday. It is only an 8 mile march and we expect to have a good time


Today we had pay parade, and in the P.M. there were three ministers, and representatives of the Bible Society out to camp, and every man in the battalion was given a little khaki testament. There were two Anglican ministers, and one Presbyterian - The Rev. Dr. Gilles of Glace Bay. They all gave short address, but of course Dr. G's was the best.


The weather all this week has been beautiful, and we have enjoyed it very much. We have not had to work very hard, and have had some very enjoyable marches through this beautiful country.


Just think that probably by the time that you get this letter I will be out on the Atlantic. It does not seem possible. We seem a long long way from home now, but will be very much farther when we get across the sea.


I am going to try to get some snap shots of Broughton to send to you before we leave The scenery around here is so beautiful, and I will always look back with pleasure to our stay on Cape Breton Island.


I have felt fine ever since leaving Camp H. but I suppose I will get my share of sea sickness on the Ocean I will write to you again before leaving, but after that you must not expect a letter for two or three weeks -I will have a good long letter to [deleted word “write”] mail when we land in the old country.


I will give you my address below. Forward all letters to it, and be very careful to put every thing in, to insure delivery. And do write often. If you write at once I will get the letter shortly after we arrive. Any mail that you have sent to Broughton will be forwarded to me


Must say goodnight now, as we have to be up early tomorrow morning.


With a world of love, from your soldier boy





Pte. W. M. Pecover

B. Co. -184th Batt. - C. E. F.

Canadian Army Post Office

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