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Date: August 1st 1916

Hughes Camp [Manitoba]


Aug. 1st '16


Mumps Isolation

Garrison Hospital


Dear Dorothy,-


I have been out of bed now for a couple of days, and am quite content with my lot. We have a nice big clean cool tent, with 16 cots in it. All the cases - 15 - in our tent are convalescent and we certainly manage to eke out a pretty decent existence -  that is for a soldier. We lay around on our comfortable cots playing cards reading & talking all day. Out across the grounds we can see the different battalions drilling in the heat, and we consider ourselves pretty lucky


I came in here last Monday, and for four days was the sickest “mumps” that has been in this summer - so the sisters told me. I did not eat a thing from Monday morning until Thursday night, taking only an occasional glass of milk. I had a very sore and badly swollen jaw - fierce head ache. On Wednesday the swelling went to the inside of my throat, and for 24 hours I could not swallow even water, my throat being completely closed. The sisters kept hot fomentations on all the time, and an ice bag on my head.


I feel as well as ever now only still a little weak. We do not get very much nourishment, and the food is not very tempting. I have written asking mother to send me something


Our cots are very comfortable. Springs, straw mattresses, our own 3 woolen blankets, 2 white sheets, and good big white pillow. Sheets, pillow cases and sleeping shirts are changed every 3rd day.


You know Nurse Code of Eden. She is our night nurse, and the best there is. She has certainly been good to me. She knew me the first time she came in. I wouldnt mind being sick often if I had Miss Code for a nurse We have to call the nurses “sisters”


I wish that I was with you in Arden. I still have a soft spot in my heart for Arden. After each of these hot days I would borrow “Choates Boat” and we?? would lose ourselves on the little old white mud till dark. Why should I say we? Perhaps now if I went back to Arden I would have to go out alone.


I suppose the big pink orchids have all bloomed down the ridge. Now the woods will be filled with those big purple flowers and sunflowers and black-eyed-Susans. And over in Bates woods, [deleted words “cranberries and”] choke cherries and saskatoons should soon be ripening.


Oh yes I would like to be back in Arden - and yet something would be lacking and I'm afraid that I would feel like taking the first train out.


I will probably be in the hospital another 10 or 12 days. If I get out before harvest leave is due, I will take about four days sick leave & go down to Wpg. probably. Mother & Father are down there & although it would not be much rest, it would be a change from camp. Good bye now with heaps of love


Do write often




Remember me to all my friends in Arden. There are some or one who I might have considered my best that it probably wouldn't be worth while bothering about.



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