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Date: October 21st 1917
Harold Bruce


Estuary, Sask.

Oct. 21st, 1917

Mr. Bruce McLagan


Dear Bruce,

Sunday eve again and I am trying to write you a few lines to enclose with mothers letter. It has been quite chilly all day and snowing one moment and simply fine the next. We had our first snow storm last Tuesday and still have most of the snow, don’t know whether winter has settled in for to stay or not, quite a bit earlier than usual, if it does. Hope not, but if we do as Harry is speaking of doing, go to Long Beach, California, we won’t care how cold it gets in Sask. Herb is going there again this winter I believe and perhaps his mother.

We usually go for a car ride Sunday but haven’t had one now for three or four Sundays, the spring is broken and Harry could not get it fixed last night in town and so he spent $16 for repairs and will try and fix it himself.

We drove it slowly to town last night thinking that the new opera house was to open with a big show but nothing doing. I like to go to an opera as you no doubt remember but what we see here are not up to much, but it is a little change and as such we welcome it.

You were saying that you were quite busy, well don’t work too hard for your healths sake, not for old Fritz sake. Here is rhyme or slogan – Our cause is just. In god we trust! Berlin or bust! Mother has gotten you a dandy pair of boots I think and can only hope that they will reach you O.K. Anything that will only make you a little more comfortable.

So you havent ran across Allan Renton or Ashley. Ashley is in hospital now tho. I hope not seriously or rather fatally wounded. I always liked him. We used to be so intimate with Walkers once and now we scarcely hear of them. Such is life. I never get time to write letters lately and consequently I receive very few, haven’t had a letter from Ont. except from Laurel for long long time and so cant give you any Carluke news. But I guess Maggie B. will keep you well supplied in that respect.

Seems too bad that some good man hadn’t taken a notion for Maggie Mabel or Ethel Wrie. They would have made dandy wives I believe for the right persons for they mean well and always try to do what they think is best or is their duty. Funny how things change. Annie Norton always had an easy existence but now it is somewhat different I believe haven’t heard anything of them lately. Never hear anything from Lady Evelyn or Campbell either, would have tried to hunt her up this summer if we had still been getting word from her. When I mean it is beginning to get too cold for a long car ride with kiddies now but they do surely enjoy a car ride; Donald particularly. He is trying to talk in earnest now and is comical to hear him. Belle’s birthday is a week from tomorrow Oct. 29th and mother sent for a Mamma Doll for her. (one that says ‘mama’ when you squeeze it) Well when mother opened the parcel Donald happened to waken up and noticed it and say had to have it and got it of course and took it to bed with him again, but accidentally touched it and it spoke and say the way he left that bed wasn’t slow. I am curious to see Belle when she first gets it. Donald thinks he had a funny dream I guess for that wonderful baby disappeared and he hasn’t seen any trace of it since.

If you read this letter you will do exceedingly well for really I can hardly write tonight. Nervous I guess. Have had neuralgia around the muscles of my chest and heart this last week but got some tablets in town that seem to be helping it, not sick in bed you know but just a little miserable.

Well mother has finished and as it is almost twelve (midnight) will close too and skidoooff to bed for my beauty sleep which is something that I can’t very well get along without any more. Tis you, not I, that was cut out for soldier, I can’t stand any more hardships and I always go backwards in the dark if I think that I might bump face. That would be treat way to face old Fritz, eh? Well be good sonny, and dont forget your old sister.

Love and kisses from all. Lovingly Bee.

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