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Date: November 20th 1918

#5 Can Genl Hosp.

My own darling Wife.

I thought that when I wrote to you last that I would not need to write any more, but I am still waiting to get away. I suppose you received my cable all right, we left Orpington the next morning for this place, expecting to sail in a couple of days at least, that is two weeks ago and we are still here, but I think we will get away in a few days now, all our papers are fixed up and signed and there is nothing more to do, so I will not be surprised if I follow close on the heels of this letter, once we get started from here it wont take long to get home, I should do it in three weeks anyway. I have put my destination down for Victoria, but my final destination for Vernon, I may need some more Hospital treatment when I get there as my wound has been slightly worse since I came here, this is a rotten place to be in, it is more like a jail than a Hospital, before the war it was a work house, I will be glad to get away from it, I signed my final pay certificate the other day, this is one of the things that have to be done before we can get away and they have stopped my allowance to you from the end of this month, that is done in all cases, as my account is now closed at the London Pay Office, but the paymaster here tells me that I can make arrangements on the boat to have it continued again from the 1st December, so you wont lose anything, it is only a matter of having my accounts transferred from England to Canada. I suppose you are glad that the war is over at last, did they have much excitement in Victoria?. it was a wild day here, everyone went crazy, and the celebrations were kept up for a week however, I will tell you all about it when I get home, which I hope wont be long now. I wont write you any more now dear, but I will send you a wire from Sicamous and perhaps another from Vancouver, so that you will know what time to meet me. There are lots that I would like to write to you about, but I would rather wait and tell you all myself, we will have a good long chat when I get home, I am sure looking forward to seeing you all again and I am as fidgetty as an old woman, I can hardly sleep at nights for thinking about it, you and I and George and Eileen are going to have a gay old time this Xmas to make up for the times we have missed. Give my darlings a big love and lots of kisses from their daddy who is going to see them again soon, and with all my love and kisses for you my own darling Wife, I remain as always and for ever.   

Your own loving Husband

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