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Date: August 7th 1917

16th Can Res Batt.



7th Aug. 17.


My darling Wife.


I am still at Seaford & so far there are no signs of moving yet, but I am still being told that my transfer back to Sandling may come any time, & the sooner it comes the better I’ll be pleased, the weather here is rotten just now, it is raining every day & when it is not raining there is a heavy wet fog which seems to penetrate right to the bone, besides which it makes one feel miserable in spite of oneself. That letter you wrote to Ottawa has sure raised some storm, yesterday I was up for orderly room before the Colonel & he showed me a letter from the Record Office in London enquiring about me & wanting to know why I had not written to you & asking about my character &c, the Colonel gave me quite a dressing down about it but when I told him what I had done & that I had been writing all along, he said it would be all right & that he would write to Headquarters & Explain, then to-day a telegram has been received from London asking about me again, so the C.O. has wired back that I am all right & am in communication with you, he also told them that I am on the staff of his instructors, which is not right, although I believe that he is trying to keep me here to use me as an instructor, if he lets me go on a good general course & qualify I would not mind going on the staff here, although I do not like the place, it would be a permanent job & I would not have to go back to France, which to me would be quite a consideration. I have not received any letter from you since I wrote you last, but I am expecting one every day, it is funny that I have not got any papers yet, I wonder if they are sending them? I don’t know what there is for me to say as there is so little news, it is just the same old routine here every day & it gets so monotonous that I feel absolutely fed up, I never go down town except to post your letters & that is really not in town, it is only about half way. My feet have been bothering me quite a bit lately, my big toe nails are growing in & when I am on my feet very much or do any marching they are quite painful, so I think I will go sick one of these days & get sent to Hospital to have them pulled out, I have tried to cure them myself but it is no good, they are too far gone. I don’t remember whether I told you or not that Wash Ryan is in this Battalion, he just came over from Canada about two months ago & of course is very enthusiastic about soldiering, he is a corporal & he was very glad to see me, he tells me that Vernon is dead & there being no troops there this summer made it very bad, he is very anxious to get over to France & I guess he will get his wish very soon as there are drafts leaving here every week. I am very anxious to hear, dear, how you & the children are getting on & if you are all well, I don’t suppose it is any use asking about Georges eye, as I guess that nothing can be done for it, poor little chap it worries me terribly to think of him having to go through life with only one eye, it is going to be such a handicap to him. Now write soon dear one & let me know how you all are, I am anxious to know if you are receiving my letters now, as I do not want any more trouble with the heads of affairs here, but I am afraid that there is something wrong yet as I am not getting your letters as regularly as I know I should, however, I am hoping for the best & will close now with all my love to you my darling wife, give our little darlings a great big love from Daddy & with lots kisses for you all I remain for ever.

Your own loving Husband.



P.S. Forgive me for writing such a short letter this time, dear, but I am terribly in the dumps & don’t feel like doing anything at all.





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