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Date: January 31st 1915

Willows Camp, Victoria, B.C. January 31st 1915           


My Dearest Wife.


I suppose you will be thinking that I am never going to write, but this has been a very busy week & I have not had much time until now, I would have written last Sunday, only I was laid up from Saturday evg till Monday night with my knee, I got it twisted & they kept me in the hospital so that I should not walk about too much, it is all right now but is still a little stiff. On Tuesday night I took Annie Shaddick to a picture show & on Friday I night I took her to a regimental dance, she really asked me to take her & I could hardly refuse, you may guess how I enjoyed myself seeing that I dont dance, it was the rottenest evening I have spent since I came here, I dont know whether I will go to see her again or not, but I dont think so. On Wednesday night we had another night march & they kept us on the go from 8 P.M. till 4 OC next morning, I was very tired when I came in as my knee bothered me quite a bit & then on Thursday we had a field day, we went out at 9-30 Am & didn’t get back [?] 5-30 P.M, I went to bed just as soon as I got in for I was nearly all in, but a good sleep made me all right again & I am now as fit as a fiddle.


We had a wire yesterday from Ottawa telling us to hold ourselves in readiness to embark at any early date, I am enclosing a cutting from to-days paper about it, our officers think we will leave here about Wednesday or Thursday but [?] are not certain, we may not leave for a month, it is quite possible that when we do leave it will be at a moments notice & the public will not know anything about it, there is also some talk of sending us to Egypt; but I dont think that there is anything in it, however, I will let you know, dear, at the earliest possible moment as to when we will leave here.


I have not had a chance yet to get my photo taken, dear, but if I can manage it, I will get it taken this week, I am sending you a couple of snapshots of myself in full marching order, If you like them I could get some more of them as I have the negatives. I will try to write Harlow before I go, I am glad he is still in the Hardware Coy, but I am surprised that M Ewan got back, but perhaps it is only for stock taking, they will probably let him out again as soon as they are finished.


The weather here has been beautiful this last week, just like summer, the sun shining & not a cloud in the sky & just to think of you having snow, we have had no snow here at all this winter except one or two light flurries that did not lie, when I come back to Canada I think we will come & live here, it would be grand for the children, they could be out all the time & then there is the sea with nice sandy beach, I tell you it would be a treat for them & for you too, dear, & I believe there will be all kinds of work here when the war is over & good money to be made. I have nothing more to say just now dear, except that I would have loved to see you & the children again before I go, but it cant be helped, Dear, I have your pictures in my heart & no matter where I go or what hardships I have to go through, my thoughts will always be of my dear wife & George & Eileen, Kiss the children for me, dear, & with greatest love & kisses to you, my wife, I remain your loving Husband


Jack –





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