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Date: December 7th 1914

H. Company                         

30th Battalion

The Willows

Victoria B.C.


My own dear wife


I received your letter all right & am much disturbed by what you tell me. Who-ever sent you that note had a mighty big cheek, do you know who wrote it, if it was one of the clerks he is likely to get into trouble, for I reported the matter to my commanding officer & he told me not to heed such nonsense, I am also writing to Mr. Vallance about it, you know, the thing is rediculous; I dont receive 3000 a month we are paid 3 times a month, I received two pays of 1000 Each & one of 800 & then there are deductions & subscriptions to the mess, however I am going to do the best I can & after this I will send you something every pay; I am sending you $800 now, I got 1000 yesterday & I have my washing to pay for, I hope, dear, you are not hard pressed for money, but of course you must be, however I will wake Mr. Vallance up. I think we will be leaving for England about the end of the year & while we are on the train & boat, we will not get any money, we will have to wait till we get to England, so that it will be quite a while before I can send you any money after I leave here & it will be up to the fund & the Govt to see that you get your money regularly; I also asked the officer about the separation allowance & he told me that you should be getting it right way as you are entitled to it from the 1st of November, I wish you had take the note you got, to Mr. Remnant or Mr. Vallance, just to see what they would say.


The B.C. Horse arrived here yesterday & got a great reception, they looked all right, they are kicking already about the grub, they say it is nothing near as good as what they got in Vernon, they are sleeping in tents & they find it mighty cold, I see Bob Stevenson did not come after all, what was the matter, did he get cold feet, I thought I would have seen more of the Vernon Boys, but they tell me that they left quite a few behind to guard the prisoners, young Gerald Pearson was with them, & there were others whose names I do not know.


We have not gone out yet on the big route march, but it is likely to happen any day, I am ready for it & the sooner it come the sooner it will be over, we are expecting to be inoculated for typhoid any day now, they inoculate us three times to make sure that it takes effect, I got my photo taken in two positions, sitting & standing, I have not got them yet, but as soon as I do I will send them to you, I hope they will be all right.


We are still working hard at drills every day & there is very little variety. Yesterday we had our first battalion drill before the Colonel; there was over 1000 of us on parade & we went through it fine, the only trouble was that the ground was wet & sloppy, which made it difficult to march properly.


I am surprised that Harlow did not send you the apples; he might have as they dont cost him anything, I was speaking to J. Rankin to day & he told me that he saw you & the children the other day & that you were all looking fine, I was very glad indeed to hear that, & it made me wish so much that I could see you all again, I dont know, dear, how I am going to get along without you, it does seem so lonely, especially at night, sometimes when everyone is asleep I lie awake for hours just thinking of you & the children & home, & many & many a time I feel like breaking down, but it cant be helped now & I will have to go through with it.


I am sending you a few stamps, dear, they are all I have just now, but the next time I am down town I will get some more & send them to you. I must close now, love; for I dont think there is any thing more for me to say, give my love & kisses to the children & with all my love to you I remain your loving Husband



P.S. I forgot to wish you many Happy returns of your Birthday, long may you be spared to your loving husband Jack


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