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Date: February 22nd 1919
John Hudgins

Ripon Camp



Dear Ollie:


Yours received yesterday.  But am afraid you don’t get any from me this week, I wrote all right, had it ready two days before the Can. Mail left but got rather excited about that time, was warned for France that night and an offer of 4 days leave before going.  At first refused the leave, but thot better of it next day so hit the trail for Aberdeen and of course I forgot to mail your letter until I came back.  But I guess there is no chance of me ever seeing France again for the order was cancelled the day I got back off leave, worse luck.  But had a good time just the same.  Got that much out of the Army at any rate, but was sure disappointed jus the same for I want to go back with the Bn. Whenever that may be but may the good Lord deliver me from having to go back with this “mob”. 


Well Allie, had a great time in Aberdeen.  It’s just like going home to go up there they all try to see who can do the most for you.  It was pretty cold & dirty so did not get out much this trip, visited a couple of sawmills that is all or what they call saw mills.  They are 20 years behind the times in the machinery on this side of the water.  Well I was down again for my photo but won’t get them until Monday, the staff has had the flu and they had to shut down for a spell but they are taken and that is something.  Hec Mc says he sent you one of the group we had taken in slacks.  Very likely it’s better than the one I had taken alone for I was sure scared to face the camera alone.  Oh by the way Mother said in her last letter she heard I was married.  Am sorry to contradict the person who told it but will have to.  Am sending you a photo of one of the girls I met in Aberdeen.  You can tell who ever it was that started the story it’s my wife. I had to steal it.  Reckon she would murder me if she know I had sent it home.  I have one of her in skirts but it’s not good, looks too solemn for her.  Am also sending you some scotch snow drops that another girl gave me so don’t be alarmed.  I can’t marry them all.  People are different over there these times than they are at home.  As long as you are decent they use you like one of themselves.  Especially if you are from N.S.  That is the Scotch.  Well enough of that.  Am glad you are doing so well in your campaign.  Hope you win out but have me doubts on the subject but give this to Mother to read and call on me for all the papers you can give away for I sure would like to see you when you come over here.  If you do will get leave (or take it) and go up to Scotland with you.  We sure could have the times of our lives.  Well it’s bedtime so reckon I better saw off for this time.  Dag glad to hear Ell is saving that hound for me.  Great kid that.  Only hope I can get home in time for the bird season.  If Doc. Welton has a good retriever.  Steal if for they make fine bird dogs if properly trained.  That’s all I dream about is dogs and guns these days, you may laugh but am just beginning to get homesick.  I want to get into old clothes again and be filthy dirty and shave when I feel like it, not have to be spick and span with a danged collar hitched around my throat and a Sam Browne that you can see your face in.  Am sick of the whole damned business.


Sorry to hear the flu has broken out again.  Is sure a bad disease.  Must quit.

 Love to all


Original Scans

Original Scans

Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22 Letter. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22 Envelope. Hudgins, John. 1919.02.22