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Mr. Irwin
W.J. Stares

A. Coy. 6th Can Res. Bn.

Seaford Sussex


Dear Mr. Irwin.

Not having heard from you for sometime. I have taken the notion of dropping you a few lines. I have missed your delightfull letters, but I believe I am to blame for making you think that I would soon be Home, I really did think I would be Home before this, but higher authorities say No.

You will notice that I am once again in Seaford, but do not like it so much as Witly, although its very nice here in the Summer-time.

I had a very pleasant surprise this last week. The Regimental Sergeant Major (an old Friend of mine) sent a runner to say that he wanted to see me on the double. Imagine my surprise when I entered his office to find Geo Martin (W.J. Bucks man) sitting there, of course the R.S.M. did not want me at all, only his way of giving me a surprise, Geo looks older than when I last saw him, in fact he is allmost Grey. He landed here from France last week, with the view of returning to Canada, shortly. needless to say that we done “Some talking” and then Arthur Kettridge (who is now my next bed mate) came up and the family was complete.

I have a Special job on just now.- that is. Training a Squad of men with the view of sending them to Bisley to shoot for the “Kings Cup.” The highest honor in the world for Shooting.

Every Reserve are training men along this line, and after a while the men from each Reserve will compete against each other. The best shots will then be sent to Bisley. Who knows I may have the honor in training the “Kings Cup Winner” I have a notion of competeing myself. That is if they will let me go, but shooting for Cups is different than shooting Germans.

Troops are coming into the Reserve from France, and it will soon be our turn to pack up. The 3rd Division have to go yet. Then I think we come next. This will only mean a matter of a few months, just to wait Patiencely and take things easy. The Riot at Rhyl has livened things up some, although I do not agree with their method.

Karl I hear is back Home. Good Luck to Him. Hoping he is none the worse for his experience. Guess you will know all about the War now. Christmas I spent at Home with my Parents and then finished up by spending New Years in Scotland coming back full of Porridge, and only spent Sax pence. Early in the year my Brother returned from Germany. He looks all right and did not suffer much while in the prison Camps although his wound still troubles him.

I am keeping fairly well myself, still eating 3 meals a day, and dodging all the Parades I can. Many changes I hear has been going on. Franks’ Parkers old place changing hands once again, McNaughton’s I think have moved to Peterboro Have not heard from your neighbours on the opposite corner for some time. Suppose she is still a good look. House-keeper. Non-Flirter and all the rest of the good qualities that go to make a perfect woman, I should have had put Wife instead of woman. Well I think I have come to the end of my nonsense so will close Wishing to be remembered to Mrs. Irwin and Family. Hoping to see you All in the near future.



W.J. Stares

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