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Date: February 11th 1918
Mr. Irwin
W.J. Stares

59907. Cpl. W. J. Stares

A. Coy. 6th Can. Res. Bn.

Seaford Sussex

Feb 11th 1918,

Dear Mr. Irwin,

I take much pleasure in answering yours of Jan. 16th. I was surprised that you had not heard from me for some time, I generally write as soon as I read the letters.

Along with your letter, came one from Karl, he is at present with the 2nd Can. Div. Salvage Co. and like the job fine, Jack Parker is also with him, and together they found the grave of Tom Parker, and are putting up a cross.

Art McKenty was here to-day, saying Goodbye, he expect to be leaving Camp tomorrow – enroute for Canada. It make me feel bad to see the Boys going away and I have to stay behind, still my time is coming.

The Evanglist Services was certainly a success bringing in such concerts as you named, Norwood will be a Model town to live in I should think. You certainly are having Some Winter here is nothing but Rain, Mud, and Wind, but the days are lengthening out and hope to have a spell of fine weather, Tommy Robus (W.J. Bucks man) I saw today. He had got his commission and made his first appearance today in his new clothes and Pips.

Already the first batch of conscripts have answered, and we are eager to start on them, but not in the way we should like, having strict orders to treat them like one of ourselves infact we are not allowed to call them Conscripts, under pain of loosing our position and taking the consequence. Have read about pond and Gideon Walker being home I like yourself wonders why G. Walker is home, for I see nothing wrong with him, only cold feet.

I expect to go away for a month to School,- have been studying hard, and hope to bring back a “Distinguished” nothing less will suit me.—

Have written to Karl, telling him all the news. Max Mac Naughton goes away on Leave tomorrow to Scotland, and then to France soon after. The Food question seems to be the chief topic, talk about cutting down the rations and having Horse flesh instead of Beef. If we get any Horses like those in France we shall do nothing but pick bones for the duration, for I saw very Little flesh on them, and the harness was the only thing that held them up on their feet. Drafts are leaving frequently just now, and will be in time for the Spring Offensive!

I am feeling fairly well just now, but I have been poorly for a time—I hate to go sick as I know they will send me away to Hospital, and that’s just what I don’t want, so I keep low, and say nothing.

Things are the same as usual in Camp, not stirring. Please remember me to all the Kind Friends in Norwood, to Mrs Irwin and Family. Hoping to meet you all in the near future. I will conclude this time.

Yours Sincerely

W.J. Stares

Original Scans

Original Scans

Stares, William James. Letter. February 11, 1918 Stares, William James. Letter. February 11, 1918 Stares, William James. Letter. February 11, 1918 Stares, William James. Envelope. February 11, 1918