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Date: March 11th 1916

March 11, 1916

Dearest Old Fatty,

I am going to include this is Sadie’s for green envelopes are scarce again, and I hate writing family letters which our officers censor, though out of necessity I have to do this as a rule to Mov and the others in England and to Daisy. I really have no news to tell you since my last letter. We have been out, in these same billets, for over 3 weeks though we expected to go in again a fortnight ago. The latest rumour is that we shall be out till things happen, which isn’t altogether pleasing news, but it may be just a rumour. At present we are having a very easy time – a route march in the morning and odd parades in the afternoon. The weather has been very bad so we are distinctly lucky not to be in trenches. We have been getting a concert once a week – jolly good ones and just as good as any show in an ordinary music hall. The talent is supplied by soldiers. I suppose it is got at by army chaplains. Those concerts and bath parades are about our chief excitement and of course pay day about once a fortnight. Fancy I nearly forgot to make any mention of what was the chief motive of this letter – to thank you for a fine big parcel which I got from Mov yesterday. Thank you ever so much. I am getting horribly spoilt by all these good things, but the section I’m in are quite glad to have me for I’ve had a lot of parcels lately, and so we are living in great style. Did I tell you in my last letter that Fritz came over here one day and dropped three bombs quite close to this farm – about 30 yards away? The other day we were on the march and eight planes passed over, but they must have been out of bombs: it would have been rather exciting if they had tried their luck at hitting us! One day we got caught in the rain on a march, and I don’t believe I’ve got so wet since I’ve been in France. The only thing to do in such circumstances for of course we can’t have fires in the barns, is to get into bed! I think when this bad weather is over spring will suddenly burst forth. It must be awful for the poor soldiers in the Verdun district. I saw Ernest today. He seems very well. I generally go to town with him once a week, but didn’t go tonight as it seemed foolish to spend money on supper in town when I had good things here. He didn’t stay as there were others with him. Well, by the time you  get this I think things will have begun to move, though I don’t see how the war can actually finish for years, but I hope by the fall that we will be in a decisively winning position. Lets hope so. I hope you’re all flourishing and now enjoying nice weather after the awful winter. My best love to you all and may I soon see you all again.

Your loving brother
