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Date: January 20th 1917

Witley Camp,
A Co., Bat.I, Regt. 202

Jan. 20th, 1917 

Dear Jen,-

I received your very welcome letter sometime ago. I also received your box of Candy which was greatly appreciated by all. The boys would hardly believe that it was from my Cousin. Gordon also recived (sic) his and wishes me to thank you for it. I received Dwights letter at noon and was indeed glad to hear from him. Letters are always very welcome, especially from home.

Well I hardly know where to begin as I have forgotten when I last wrote you. After spending a week in Witley, They moved our Battn to Bramshott where we stopped for 4 week and then came back here. While at Bramshott we were under Quarantine for Measles and had a fine time for 16 days, nothing to do but eat sleep and amuse ourselves. The worst of it we had to spend Christmas under Quarantine and it sure was a blue Xmas but Gordon and I made up for it New Year’s. On Dec 26th Herb came out to see us on his way back to the Front from Scotland where he spent Xmas. We were glad to see him. He was looking fine. His work must agree with him. Our Quarantine was to be lifted at noon Dec. 27th and Herb had to go back the 28th she so he applied to our Major for passes for Gordon and I to go to London to see him off. We had not had our landing leave so the Major granted us 71/2 days. We went to London with Herb and spent the night with him. He can tell some interesting stories of life at the Front. He tried to get an extension but could not make it and had to start back next morning. We saw him off then took the train to Glasgow. We had intended spending a day or two in London but it was so Foggy we could see nothing so we decided to go North.

Well we had a great time in Scotland. They sure use Canadians well. They cannot do too much for us. Much different to the English. We called on Herb’s best girl and had quite a visit with them. She is a fair sensible girl from a fine family. They used us well.

We spent 4 days in Glasgow, one in Edinburgh and one in London. While in Glasgow, I met a Lassie who acted as guide for us and we had a great time together. I think we saw all of Glasgow and attended two Dances, Dec. 30th and Jan. 1st. We had a big day New Years. We had only 5 meals, not too bad. I think we averaged 4 a day while on Leave. We had only a day of Edinburgh but saw the best parts of it. Scotland is a very pretty country.I would like to see it in the summer when the flowers are in bloom. Chris has promised to take us around if we get leave next summer to see the Lakes, Highlands, etc. We spent our last day in London. It was a fine bright day and we saw a great deal. I think it would take a month to see everything in London. It is a wonderful city.

We visited Westminster Abbey, London Tower, The Museum, Buckingham Palace. We intended calling on the King but he was out of town. I was going to see if I couldn’t get a transfer to the Salvation Army so was quite disappointed.

We came back to Bramshott Jan. 3rd. It was very hard coming back after a weeks freedom. We reached Camp about 12.30 and found nobody home. While away our Batt. moved back to Witley so we curled around a stove in one of the huts and spent the night then walked back the next morning. We were on fatigue all last week and this week we are at musketry school. Tomorrow (Sunday) we go to the ranges. We leave at 6.30 and march some 14 miles where we will likely stop for two weeks.

Gordon and I have put in for Transfers to the Trench Mortar Battery. The most up to date Suicide Corp in the British Army. Quick action and sure death. Jim is transferring to it also, so we will likely die together.

I had a letter from Herb last night. He is well and says they are getting plenty of rain these days. If it is anything like English weather it will not be very pleasant in the trenches.

Andy Carmichail is in the P.P.C.L.I. Bank at Seaford. He says he will likely have to go to the Front in February. He is taking a Musketry Course now.

Well I must close for now.

Hoping this will find you all well.

Love and best wishes,

I am

Your loving cousin


No 231737,
Pte ABB,
A Camp,
202nd Battn CEF,
Army P.O.

P.S. Write Soon and often

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