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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in oa_core_visibility_data() (line 607 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/oa_core/includes/
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Date: August 13th 1916

Sarcee Camp, 138 Batt. A Company
Aug. 13th 1916

 Dear Parents;-

 Just a few lines in stole time to let you know that I am leaving in a few hours according to present orders.  The tents are all struck and are moving on the transport wagons as fast as they can handle them. 

 My spare time has been taken up lately in spending money on carfare. Ernest came down a week ago this morning and went back Monday night.  Ethel has been in Calgary ever since and may come to camp any time now so that I shall have to cut this short.  The expense of her staying here on top of making the payment on the farm leaves us short of money so that the pictures we have had taken will have to be paid for and mailed later.

 I am not supposed to be outside of the lines now so suppose I had better cut this short.  Before it reaches you I shall likely be on the way to England so you had better address as below.

 Your Loving Son,
#812075 Pte. J.E. Drader
A Coy., 138 Battalion,
Canadian Contingent,
British Expeditionary Force
Army P.O.
London, England

