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Date: April 4th 1917
Trotter Family

France April 04, 1917

Dear People,

No sooner do you begin to get settled down here than you are unsettled again. This time it is a transport course, for which I started on short notice at noon on Saturday March 31st. After 48 hours knocking about in trains and waiting at stations, - the last 12 hours in a box car of a supply train, Bayley and I arrived at this place, and I hunted up the Transport Depot where the course is held and reported. Perhaps I should say that our assistant transport officer was to have come; but his superior went sick and he could not be spared. No one else really wanted to come; and the adjutant told me they thought a few weeks more rest wouldn't hurt me; so they shoved me in. I was fed up, you may imagine at being shipped off again. Now that I am here, however, I can't say that I mind it. We had our choice of canvas or billets at our own expense. I dashed the expense and took a billet. Am glad I did since I have seen the huts, which have a most cheerless aspect - looking quite as though they belonged to the mud with which they are surrounded. My billet is ideal - bright, clean room, incomparable bed, table with shaded lamp; charmingly friendly people - 5 minutes walk from the mess.

I got here just in time for lunch on Monday, and started in on Tuesday. The course is largely concerned with horses and mules, their care and management, etc; and we shall get a good deal of riding. Yesterday, for instance, we started out with a general talk on common ailments - mange, lice, etc. Then we had some instruction in grooming. After lunch the weather cleared (it had snowed wet snow in the morning) and we went for a delightful ride into the country, returning to a talk on the general-service-lumber wagon. Then we had tea, and I paid a visit to the Field Cashier to obtain some money; and then returned to my billet to dress and read. After dinner came back to billet and with the aid of a dictionary and (later) Bayley, engaged in conversation with Madame. Still later the party was augmented by Mademoiselle Cecile and her adjutant fiance - a most taking fellow, who wears the croix de guerre and commands an anti-air-craft gun. He is at present on leave.

Altogether it bids fair to be a pleasant three weeks. We have just heard today that Wilson has really asked for war. What wouldn't I give for a few American papers or even the Globe. We may get fuller accounts to-morrow though.

Love to each and all,
