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Date: March 29th 1917

March 29, 1917

Dear Frank,

I've been wondering if I have ever sent my compliments and congratulations on your Moulton record. If I haven't it wasn't for lack of intention to do so. But I find very often in the more or less disordered life out here, that it is difficult to differentiate the intention and the act; and I have several times discovered that I have made confusion of the two, and so left undone those things which I ought to have done in the espistolary line. Let this make amends if I have erred in your case.

Your letter of March 1, came duly to hand. I'm so glad you've had a good winter's skating. I fear I shall have to put in some practice when I get back - this is my second winter without skates.

I can appreciate your difficulty in writing letters with other girls talking in the same room. I am up against the same ting very often in the mess (not girls of course). As our present mess is a cellar about 12x8 with an arched roof only about 6'6" in the centre, there isn't much chance of getting into a quiet corner. Just at present, however, there are only 3 of us in, and Meggit is reading, and Underwood, like myself, writing letters; so there is a temporary lull. Marjorie's bundle of magazines came a couple of days ago, and is furnishing entertainment for all. Under our present circumstances it was no drawback to have a good lot at once; but you can understand that if they had happened to arrive on the eve of one of our frequent moves, they might have had to be left behind unread. Not that they would have been wasted then for our successors would doubtless have enjoyed them; but that they will do eventually as it is.

I am charmed to learn from Marjorie's letter that "Life" has at last come into its own again at McMaster. There are a number of good things in the Garden of Eden Number. I like best the "loyalty" picture where the dog follows Adam and Eve out of the garden. The funniest thing I think is the skating scene: "Oh! I say, Old Top!"

How interesting for the Mac girls to be going into munitions. They will have a ripping time with Mrs. Grimshaw for chaperone. I'm sorry to hear of her accident. You or Marjorie must remember me to her and also to Kate.
I have also received Mother's of the 9th and Father's of the 8th. It won't do you any good to worry when you see the Leicesters mentioned in the fighting news. There are ten battalions somewhere in I should think at least half as many different divisions, which may be anywhere; so when you see the name the chances are strongly in favor of its having nothing to do with me.

You speak of Rex's going to Ottawa. Does he expect to put in some more time there? I should rather imagine so; as there must be a lot of material on his subject not available elsewhere. You will miss him.

This is a very crude sketch of our mess. The perspective is wrong and makes it look much longer in proportion than it really is. I have no eraser and so could not make corrections, even if the paper would stand them. The table looks too far from the fireplace; the thing on the right is intended for one of the timbers used to shore up the roof.

Love to all,