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Date: July 23rd 1916

July 23, 1916

Dear Mother,

When I got to Leicester last night I found your letter of the 9th, and Father's of the 5th awaiting me. I am glad to know that the assigned pay is coming in. For the present it had better stand to my credit with pater. I think I shall be able to get along very well with what pay I get. We need spend practically nothing here on eats - a shilling a week for tea tickets will about cover it, and our incidental expenses will not average much more than at Shorncliffe. Of course there are a few things just at first. I bought a raincoat of Saturday (47/6) and shall probably get a pair of flannel trousers for running, physical drill, and river-wear. However, I can manage these extras by drawing a bit on my reserve. If I find I haven't enough to take advantage of the opportunity of side trips, I may ask for more; but I think I shall be able to finance all for which there is opportunity.

I think I have mentioned Grandmother's parcel before this - I know I wrote her as soon as it was received.

I was interested in seeing the information about Rex in the News you sent Louie, as well as that about David Keys. I had not heard that his brother was wounded.

Father is to be congratulated on his diligence both in adding to the luxury and comfort of camp life, and in protecting our property from depredations of marauding porcupines and ground-hogs. How I should like to see his handiwork, and discuss the war with Herbert and him. By the way you must apologize to the Follows for my neglect in not answering their letters. I know they share in what I send you, and it is difficult to get time for real letter-writing in our crowded program.

To come back again to my Leicester visit. Louie and Alf met me at the train and took me home to supper in the car. We spent a quiet evening visiting and strolled out through the fields and gardens for an hour before going to bed. This morning after breakfast we took a spin up to the Freeman's and I saw Ralph for a few minutes. He was home for the week-end. He is stationed at St. John's Wood, London, and can, of course, make the most of the week-end as the service is very good. We took a spin about town until train-time, calling at cousin Bella's and cousin Fred's. They were out at both places; but I left a card at Bella's, and Fred's wife - so they will not think me forgetful.

Alf and Louie are going on Friday to spend a week with Louie's cousin Sir William Cramp. [or Crump?] After they get back I shall have to try to get a special leave until sometime Monday, so as to have a chance for a real visit. It is awfully provoking to be so near (the fare is only 5/7 1/2) and yet so far. The week-day service is fairly good. However we must make the best of it.

As soon as possible I shall try to get to Birmingham to see Aunt Kate. I may manage it next week of the week after.

I am going out now to see if I can't locate a Baptist church, though I don't know just what opportunity I shall have for attending the services. We have church parade in the morning, and our late dinner (7.00) is not very convenient for church-going in the evening. However, we shall see.

Love to everybody,
