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Date: May 17th 1944

R90468. RCAF.
May 17. 44.

My Dearest Mother.

Well Mom, how are you and Dad and Sis. I hope the best, I’m feeling fine and everything is O.K. over here except of course I’m home sick and hoping to get back very soon. I’m very sorry Mom. I wasn’t able to send you a telegram for Mother’s Day, but as things were over here, it was impossible for me to send you one. Can’t tell you why but it wasn’t because I didn’t have the money. I was thinking of you, and we had a lovely church service. Specially dedicated to Mother’s Day, and it sure was nice. We have one swell Padre. So Mom. I’m sorry I couldn’t send you a cable but hope you understand.

One of my chums is getting married next month and Don Robb is going to be the best man, another chum. I guess it’s going to be a big affair, there sure are alot of fellow’s getting married over here, but I’ve got the one and only Wife. Do you remember Mom, what you used to say before I was married about religions, well what do you think of it now, of course not that I blamed any of you only I figured it had nothing to do with anything as long as I Loved Mary. (“what say.”)

I hear from Grace and Mary often but haven’t had the chance to go down there lately but expect to before long. I was going last week on my day off but, things happened to prevent it. Jerry has been around for a couple of nights lately but nothing to get excited about, just nuisance raiders. We are all wondering when the second front is to start and of course wishing it would get under way, then we will be able to come back to Canada, as it won’t last long after things get under way. I hope to be able to make up a couple of jerrys on my rifle before this is over.

You remember when I had the xray about a month ago I figured there was something wrong with my chest, but as I’ve heard nothing since I guess its O.K. I’m glad of that as I wouldn’t want a repat. on account of my chest cause you know what that would mean, probably the same. I’m feeling good and fit now, so everything is right, all parcels and letters are coming through first rate. Keep them coming. Well I guess this is about all for this time, tell the fellows in Chatham I’m thinking of them and letters to follow, So for this time I will close thinking of you at Home.

Keep Smiling
Love to you Mom, Dad and Sis

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