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Date: March 15th 1945
Mother & Dad

Collcott C.H. R95468
R.C.A.F. overseas
March. 15, 45

Dearest Mother and Dad,

Well “Folks,” I’m kind of ashamed, as I haven’t wrote to you since the seventh, anyway I’m writing at last. I received all of your mail including, your nice long letter Mom, I’ve also received all of Mary’s letters Aunt [?], sent me more cigs. Also [?] and Cousin Dorthy and Will, sent me a carton of English smokes, which was swell and thoughtful of them. So I must write to them.

On the last three days of my leave I was out with Cousin Claude, that’s Hughes’s Son, just at night of course, but we sure had a good time. I think he is about 24. The first night they picked me up in a taxi and we went to this men’s club, had a few drinks and a couple of games of pool, well Claude and I got kind of cheesed off, as they were mostly old veterans, so we went to a pub. That night I couldn’t pay for anything, they also took me back to Colin’s by taxi, oh yes, on my last leave at Colin’s they didn’t think I would take a drink, of course I don’t very often as you know, but on an occasion such as that leave, was different.

I saw, (June), is it.? she had her doll with her and sure is proud of it, on Saturday the last day of leave, in the afternoon, we went to the Greyhound race at Romford, of course I laid a few bets and of course didn’t hit on any of them, but we had a lot of fun and it was the first time I had been to the dogs, and it was a good experience, it’s funny to see all the tipsters’ around trying to make the odd penny.

Two days ago we had a couple [?] needles one for Typhus and one for [?] typhoid and as usuall I get a cold from them, it seems every time I get a cold after needles, it must be the reaction, or else they take well. We can buy lots of eggs around here, as the farmers seem to be more prosperous, they cost is 6 1/2 francs each, but are worth it, I got two doz. last night, so ate two then  and today I’m off duty, and so far I’ve had two fried eggs, I sure do like my fresh fried eggs, as you remember, of course we can’t fry them in butter but have bacon fat, after we get into Germany we will just go and take the eggs, or better still take the chicken, that’s one thing we don’t have to ask for any thing in that country, just take it as they are the concoured nation. Well Mom, and Dad, I will close for now, hope this finds you in the best of health, also Sis. Bye now, Keep smiling, hope to see you soon.

 Your Ever Loving Son.


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