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Date: August 27th 1915
Perry Sanderson

Otterpool Aug. 27,1915 Dear Folks; - Just wrote a long letter home last night but have several things to comment on again. First & foremost, I received four letters and two Observers today, for which I was truly thankful. I eat my supper in solitude tonight, being the only member of the tent at home- the first time this has happened since I came here. The reason was that I played baseball against the Ammunition Column and got trimmed 12-1. This is the first I have played this year. Caught about four or five innings. Got a bum thumb over it and struck out a few times- everybody did that though. Gos is out seeing the wife, I guess, Bridger & Scott are at Canterbury, [?] is home at Hastings, Williams in Hythe, Lavender with his people in Folkstone, Gamble & Cameron on leave- Cameron's second long leave to Scotland. I had an invitation home with him but got Scotty's first and will never regret accepting it. I see, by your letter, that you are getting many good rumours and as usual they are mythical. To begin with, we will never see the Dardenelles and, as far as is known, we are not due at the front in such a rush as people would have you believe. So, in future, consider nothing official, unless it comes from me. I will write when we leave and, by the time you get it, we may be in the firing line and may just be at the base. Some fellows delight in kidding themselves that they have sensational news. As far as the war goes- the Russians are still on that strategic stuff, the Turks are losing. I believe, on the Western Front, everyone stands pat but there's no doubt who will win. The Welsh miners are doing fine, aren't they? `Had a letter from Mr. Ludlam of London saying he and his wife would have much pleasure in having company for a day or days, if my pass would permit me. Gave me address, both office and house, also telephone. Then tonight, got a letter from Sam Clifton, musician of Holland, giving me addresses of several places, also this place as the easiest to get to. May say, this is one of the best west end spots in London, near Hyde Park I believe. All the lads say it is alright. Don't let Clifton know I passed it around but it was a very nice letter and, believe me, I shall avail myself of it next weekend or as soon as maybe. You could imagine me a year ago visiting perfect strangers and enjoying myself. But times have changed, I jump at the chance now and, what is more, get genuine enjoyment out of it-at such places as Cameron's brother, brother-in-law & at Scotts. It is one pleasure to get in a house and be waited on, treated like a king by real nice people. A uniform is a help over here. I am glad I got transferred to the 28th as all the other contingents are bound to be split up and sent as reinforcements- a rotten way to go as you are away from your friend, as Tom & Fred. They will not go immediately to the front but will train here a spell and then go out as a draft. At least, I think that is the method. Say. Old Toby is having an eye opening, I guess. Some trip for the old girl. Had a letter from Ethel today. She seems well and happy, and to regret Nita's departure. In my letter, I sent a small broach of 28th badge. Hope you get it; sent it yesterday. It may be pinched like the one I sent in Wpg. Hope not as the letter it is in is a fat one, containing much effort on my part. Feel sorry for Mrs. Greer [?] as she is a very nice lady and has had a very hard time. I can imagine Cliff would need the money; it must be hard work making things meet and traveling around too. In mentioning that Gos was to London with Sergeant Allingham, you underline Serg. As if they told it as a destination. Tis not, Allingham, as we call him, is a decent Canadian fellow. It is probable that I would have spent my six days with him if I had not gone to Scotland. He has not had his leave yet- getting it tomorrow. You see lots of privates & officers together in London at theatres, etc. Anything I say on Gos here, don't say it to anyone as it will come back to him in some gruesome form, when, as a matter of fact, we are on the best of terms as always have been. I would hate for some old gossip to spoil it but Gos has a harmless habit of exaggerating things. I just discount it and go on my way. He is quite popular here, has several chats with the officers-McKay, [?] & Styles-went to college with them, also with a little [?] Murphy. Well, it is too dark to write. May add to this tomorrow Sunday Wee, this Sunday and a mighty slow day too, raining merrily away. Guess I will not leave camp today either. All members of the tent are back under its welcoming roof. Got another letter at noon- a combination Ina & Nita, also a Red Cross Badge, a very nice affair. So Nita would like the east if it had western ways. By that, do you notice a tight nature in the east? Hope your recount comes off Kid. Say, I must quit for this time. Love to All, Perry