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  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in oa_core_visibility_data() (line 607 of /app/profiles/viu/modules/contrib/oa_core/includes/
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Date: December 22nd 1917

France Dec 22 /17 Dear Flo, Received your swell parsle OK ce soir and believe me all these goodie goodies made me feel homesick for sure but of course that was only momentarily for its absolutly Bally not to get homesick in this Godforsaken country don't you know for you cant get out of the beastly place anyways so what the hells the use. Well here it is just three days off Xmas and I don't see a great chance of getting very tight this year but I had a good time last year believe me - and some day I'll tell you all about it and what an embarrasing predicment I found the whole damn crowd in when I really got into condition to see anything closely, but we will make that a fireside story for when we all get home again. Well dearie we are not in a parlor just at present so I beg of you to excuse the beastly shortness of this absurd epistle Well Bye Bye honey Best Love Frank

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