My dear Arthur and Alice
I hope this may be in time - but I have had crowds of letters to get off - to people that didn't really matter so much - & therefore more important to get off one's mind - that is how you have come off so late - I think it is just in time with luck.
I am at present in trenches - but not for much longer now - Nothing much happens except periodical outbursts of shelling on both sides -
It was a pity we didn't meet before I sailed but it obviously couldn't be helped -
Poor dear old Aunt Anna - At last it has come!
I've got to stop now - Are you still together? Anyway I hope we soon all be getting home again - but just at present it doesn't look too rosy - with those Russians proving such duds.
Anyway best luck - & all good wishes
Your loving Brother, John
J. W. Leighton