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Date: July 8th 1917
Amos William

853 Nassau St. Winnipeg, Can
July 8 - 17.

My dear Will,-

It is Tuesday eve (7.20) and I have had 3 strenuous days - poor sonny again. He started vomiting on Thursday night, and vomited all night - 4 or 5 times, and all day Friday, and cried most of the time with pain in his stomach. I gave him oil, but he could not keep anything down, even water. Yesterday morn, I have him cascara and he kept it, but cried all day with the pain, I phoned too Dr. McRae after 4, and he said he'd come out and see him, which he did at once - it was not appendicitis, as he feared - just a bilins ft, I guess. I gave him oil last night and he kept it, so it worked this morn. and he seemed fine, but about 11 a.m. he began complaining again and I gave him some more cascara. He has not eaten a thing - just a nibble this morn, and I guess the casc. was too much on an empty stomach, and we have had an awful p.m. till nearly 5. (The phone out of order - I'm going to put in a big kick to morrow. This is 3 times in 2 weeks.) Mertie went over and phoned McRae and he said it was just the casc. and gave me a prescription for paregoric, so I just gave him 6 drops, instead of 15 - 20. He seemed easier, at 5, and I gave him half a cup of warm milk and water, and another about 6.30. He is fine now, so I expect he will be all right now. He wanted a ginger snap - but I persuaded him to wait till to-morrow. He certainly looks tough - was just beginning to look rosy and well after his cold, and "glands" but this 3 days of pain and starvation will pull him down. He likes to lie on the hot water bottle and just now says "Mamma, I like your care" (of him) and turned around and is asleep - I have had a hard time - had to stay right beside him and carry him etc. Mr. Faulkner saw me this eve - for the first time today and[?] and told me I looked about worn out. I only hope, and I think Billy will be fine now. I'll not mail this till morning, and can add a line, so you won't be worrying.

I did not get any letter from you last week - but may get one in the morning. There is no delivery on Saturday p.m.'s for July and Aug. and it was Saturday p.m. I got one last week. I had word, tho; through Mrs. Hargrave. She read me her son's letter over the phone, telling of the narrow escape you had in the Y.M.C.A. (building of whatever it is.) It was very near, and I pray that you may be protected through it all, and be home with us soon. I think Billy needs you, poor little man, and we all want you. It may end before winter yet tho' I guess there is lots still to do. I see they have been dropping bombs on London again. I hope the US soon gets her 30 000 planes across. I don't think I have much to write about this time - the last 3 days are just a blank. On Thursday - it rained all day but Riley Smalley and Mrs.and the little girl Edna (1yr. 9 mo.) came and stayed till 9.30. They live away out by Kildonan (have rented a cottage) on Martin Ave. I feel sorry for them. He says there is nothing in Sask. or Manitoba, and he has to do something, she is disgusted with things - much like myself and he is too. He was admiring your library, - what he saw of it. Did I tell you how Mrs. Grant was wishing you had come to their church. They don't take to the man they got - he has made a lot of trouble "peddling news" from house to house. I wonder - If there is any draw between Mr. McKinnon and Riley Smalley. They spoke of him a couple of times, as tho' to give me a chance to speak of him but I did not say anything. I was wondering if Smalley had been trying for Kildonan, I think Smalleys are very much worried - moving so often they have not been able to get any ahead. They have a $10 a mo. cottage - but a poor place, no furnace - nor bath tub etc. They would like one of these cottages.

Yesterday was a scorching day - and damp - and to-night one need a good warm coat, - very changeable. I think I am looking a sore throat - so gave it a gurgle with listerine before tea. Oh - dinner and tea are a joke to Shirley today - we just grabbed a bite when we could and it was 3 o' clock before we got any dinner and only then because Mrs. Gunn stayed with Billy. I was nearly drooping in my tracks. I have had no letters since only the bill for the Clergyman's to be paid by Aug 1. I paid the water and light $ 2.ºº and 50 cents. I am going to see a 2nd hand dealer and try to sell one of the oil stoves to get an electric plate, instead to make my tea during the summer. - and have if one needs a fire at night in the winter. They were on sale for $1.95 lately Mrs. Gunn said. It was she advised me to get one.

I'll stop now. He is awake again. He likes me to put my arm around him. Will finish in the morn. Shirley is in visiting the Foreman's. They are nice with her. She has her whole nurse outfit- apron with red cross on it, and cap and she rigged up and went and nursed Mr. Foreman. He has been in bed the last while too. Shirley wore her costume all around, and this old lady Mrs. Nesbitt out in front of us, when I called Shirley, turned and called over to know did I want the nurse. I have been chatting to her a time or two. Well, bon nuit, mon cher - allez couchez, (go to bed) Betty.

Monday - 5.30 p.m. I shall just add a line and get Shirley to mail this. No letter from you to-day. Guess I'll get 2 at the end of the week. Had a note from Hattie and one form Mona to enclose for you, Hattie never even mentioned having got my letter, - tho' I suppose she did. She is so queer - never mentioned me inviting her here. They have move to a different house. Here knees are getting stiff like Mattie's, I guess she will have the operation out there, - she speaks like it.

Well, Billy put in a good night and seemed pretty well this a.m. He ate a little, and this p.m. he is complaining and lying on the hot water bottle. Dr. McRae phoned Mertie this morn. as our phone was not fixed. (He came out and inspected this end of it today) So I phoned him at 4.30 He said to give him a little to eat, - no more physic - and if the pain gets very bad more paregonic, and if necessary an injection in the morning. He is not so bad as yesterday, but I shall be glad when he is better. He is up and around to-day. He slept well last night. Has no temperature, I shall write again by Wed. so you will hear as soon as possible.

I hope you are well and safe, It is quite a time of worry for us, Hals have not written to say how Mattie is since.

Good-bye, dear, and God bless and protect you.

Love and Kisses from us all.

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