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Date: April 15th 1917

Moss Hall Grove
N. Finchley

April 15/1917

My Dear Mother,

Am afraid I missed writing last week, but it was not because I did not remember to. As a matter of fact I put off writing until after I had finished work at Beverley.

As you see I am now with the Jones again. I did my last flight Friday night after dark, and left Saturday morning for London. Last week in Beverley was quite busy. After I had finished my ordinary work on service machine I had to, or rather they allowed me to do some flying on other machines. I wasn't just sure how things would go at first as the machines have only one seat, so that there is no chance of any instruction on them. However I succeeded in flying everything they had in the place, including a big high powered twelve cylinder bus, which proved to be, the nicest of all. Then too I had to do my night flying which isn't always the most easy thing in the world. We are allowed to have small electric globes to reflect on the instrument board to guide us in flying, but my lights went out from a loose connection just after I left the ground, so they did not help me much. However I managed by the help of petrol flares from the ground. So you see I wanted to get all my dangerous things done before I wrote. Now I am all through and have got my wings. Rene is sewing them on for me now. I am very glad to get finished at last, only I would like a little more leave. I expect to report Tuesday afternoon and go to France Wednesday morning. Tomorrow sometime I am going down to Folkestone to see the Reades. I am afraid I shall not have very long with them. I will also have some shopping to do in town although I am fairly well set up in most things. I am taking over a terrible lot of stuff, about 3 times what I took last time. I expect about half of it will be turned back but I shall try it anyway.

Was at church this morning with the family. Quite a nice service and afterwards they had the sacrament and as I hadn't been at one for some time I waited for it. Mrs Jones waited also but the girls didn't as they had dinner to get.

Tomorrow morning I am going down town quite early with Rene. She always comes with me when I have any shopping to do. I have to invest in 5 wings, rather expensive to graduate in flying corps eh?

Before I left Beverley I met some very nice people. A young married couple, one of the boys who was married last month. They were very nice indeed and I used to go for tea and dinner to their rooms quite often. I also came down in the train with them to London.

Today is lovely out. Have just had tea after coming in from a nice long walk in the fields about here. Rene is cleaning my buttons now. She says she is bound I shall wear the tunic with the wings on even if she has to clean the whole thing. You see I only have one set of wings and it is on a new tunic I have never worn. She is a determined young monkey. Gordon is still training at R[oyal] A[eronautical] C[ollege]. He is at a London aerodrome so is quite handy to home. He was over last evening for an hour or two and is coming back again tonight. It is nice that he can get home so often. I expect he will get his wings shortly as he has only another eight hours to do.

Well Mother dear I expect next time I write I shall be in France. At least I hope so. I am feeling extra fit just now and in every way ready to get into it again. All I hope is that I get a good machine, and if I do I shall be perfectly happy. Will let you know how things are at earliest possible date.

Lots of love for Father, Emily and heaps for yourself, and kind regards to Miss Smith.

Loving son

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