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Date: April 2nd 1916

N. B. This letter April 2nd 1916
has been No 14 Stationary Hospital.
disinfected France.


My Dear Mother,

Don't be alarmed, I am not sick as you might well suppose. Far from it, I just have the measles. Do you remember the last time I had them? Well, I don't remember it very well but if I was sick then it must be a different kind this time as I am quite alright now.

For three or four days last week I had not been feeling quite up to the mark, and as taking pills did not do much good and as my rash did not go away I thought I had better report and see what was wrong.So I went over to the Major in charge. He just took one look at me, then examined my wrists and told me I was elected. He ordered me to my room and sent for an ambulance right away. Then he came over to the room after me and made me strip. He said I had a lovely case and sent over for the Colonel and two or three others, and they all came over and each time I had to strip and exhibit myself. They all agreed I had them. For two or three days I had a blinding headache but thought it was from work, as we were very busy and Garfat still on leave. But I guess that was what was coming on alright. So I got Gedhill to pack a few things in a haversack and I started out in the ambulance.

They took me right into B. to the Casualty Clearing [station] and I stayed there, in bed for that afternoon and night. Next morning at 11:30 they took us (3 other officers & myself) down to the train on stretchers. It did seem like a bit too far to take us down on stretchers when we all felt well enough to walk. But they said if we went down as lying cases, we would get better accommodation in the train, which proved to be the case. The four of us had quite a nice large compartment to ourselves. There was sleeping accommodation for six at one end, and a nice sitting room at the other end. Also a W[omen's] C[hristian] T[emperance] U[nion] and etc & etc.
The car was a lovely large one. All done off in white enamel and spotlessly clean. Regular hospital train, electric lights, electric fans & all the rest. About noon we started off. We went all over the country it seemed gathering up wounded men. We could see them carrying them in, in stretchers right out of the tents. Most of them were wounded in the head or feet. Such a fine lot of fellows too. Soon we had over 18 cars filled so started for the base.

On the way down they treated us very well indeed. Almost every place they stopped they took on something for us to eat. Hot soup, hot tea and then we had a fine big dinner with meat, vegetables and potatoes. A very nice English nurse was in charge and she was very kind to us. It was a great treat to see an English woman again.

About 9:30 P.M. we arrived at the Base. As we had measles we were attended to at once, and we all piled into a car and were taken to a hospital about 3 or 4 miles from the station. I cannot tell you where I am but it is on the coast, in sight of England on a calm clear day and in a very lovely part of France.

We arrived here about 10:15 P.M. This camp is all laid out in small huts with one to six in each hut. At present I have a little hut all to myself. It is just a fine little cottage, they call it a 'Cubicle'. It is about 10 x 14 and has a nice spring bed with sheets. Coal oil stove, writing table, washstand, electric light, and fine large windows.

While getting ready for bed last night I had several callers. Doctor Parson, Nurse and Deaconess or some such personage. When they saw I was half undressed the Deaconess beat it but the rest all trouped [sic] in. They just wanted to welcome me as it were, and all shook hands, then when I finally got to bed the sister brought me a nice cup of hot coffee and some cakes.

This morning the sister was around again at 7:30 A.M. with tea and more cakes. And all day long they feed one and bring things to read and do so many little things. They couldn't treat me any better if they stayed awake all night, thinking about it. It is an English hospital and, believe me, they are O.K. The meals are excellent. Just like a banquet all the time. Tonight for dinner I had soup, roast turkey, spinach [sic], mashed potatoes, deep apple pie and a dish of apples, orange and bananas. So you see I am in good hands. Today the Parson was around and he seems like a nice fellow. The Colonel in charge was also around and is also O.K. The Dr said today that if my temperature was O.K. tomorrow I could get up and get out. The weather is lovely and it is a fine spot and just on the coast.

So now I guess you all envy me. The only thing is that I want to get my mail regularly and I will miss that alright. I expect to be here about 10 days so will have to wait all that time for mail.

I am a little tired now as I have been sitting up quite a lot today. Tomorrow I hope to get about a little more & in a day or two I will be fine again. So don't worry about me. I will write again soon.

Good night & lots of love for all.

Loving son

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