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Date: September 13th 1918
John William Law

Sept 13, 1918

Dear Mother

This is just the usual (from now on) weekly letter to let you know everything is alright. Your letter of August 6 just came a few days ago and as usual was glad to hear you were all well. I have been at Hastings a week now which is on the south east coast of England. The physical training and drills all day have already made me feel ever so much livlier and healthier and I know I am going to like the whole course right through. Each day is pretty well filled in from 6 in the morning until 6 at night. 6 am get up - 7 breakfast 8-12:30 drill 1.30 to 4.00 drill 4.00 pm tea - 6.45 Supper. The food is fine also, a clean table cloth each day and WAAC's to serve table. Our equipment cleaning takes considerable time at night and morning as every thing must be so spotlessly clean and bright. On Tuesday we had our preliminary examination which was simple but sorry to say 29 of 196 failed completely. However they were mostly youngsters and the appearance of some spells ignorance and their table manners certainly shows lack of home training. On drill they are very slow so they have only themselves to blame if they do not succeed. Our billet faces the sea about 40 yards away when the tide is in, and the room we have, five of us, the best in the house with a large bay window facing the sea. The promenade is just across the road and is quite lively in the evenings. I am sending on your letter to Aunt Susan together with one of my own. I was sorry I could not call this leave just passed but I think Ive already explained why that is. I intend to apply for a days leave to attend Evelyn Vice's wedding on October 25. There is very little more news just now but will write again soon.

With best love to you all
Your loving son

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