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Date: October 30th 1915
Mother and Father
John William Law

Oct 30 1915 My Dear Mother and Father:- As usual my weakly letter is late again but after reading your letters which came yesterday I shall endeavor to be more regular, at times though it is very difficult to write and since coming here I have written very few letters with the exception of the ones to you. There is nothing of real interest. The trench life is exactly the same I suppose since trench warfare started, occasionally either side break out in a more than usual rifle fire and there are days when hardly a shot is fired. This week especially has been very quiet, the weather has been disagreeable, with a continual rain on and off, mostly on, but it has cleared nicely now although leaving the trenches both front line and communication in a rather damp and muddy condition. We have all been saddened and the war brought closer to us than before by the loss of one of the boys in the action. This being our first casualty. It was one of those unfortunate affairs that he happened to be at a particular place when a rifle grenade came over. We all felt the loss very keenly, he being one of the best boys in the section always [?] to do his share and more, both willingly and cheerfully. He was only 21 and a grandson of Sir Oliver Mowat. I feel very sorry for his people too and after having the story told me of how it happened, I realize how you at home must feel. Now Mother I consider it an act of providence that conditions are just as they are. I am allowed to be here for some good or other or I would not be here. If I am taken, like so many good and brave men before me, you can rest assured that it will be while doing what I consider my duty and I will meet it as unflinchingly and as bravely as you have taught me to. And if I am spared and come home with the rest I will be better for my experiences, but while I am here I will not run the foolish risks of putting my head over parapets etc. for you know, I am naturally careful. Had a letter from Agnes saying she was sending a box of apples sometime ago. I hardly expect to get them now and if it was a heavy parcel no doubt it was ditched somewhere. The mail is delivered every night even in the front line trench together with the rations for the following day. They certainly have some system. Was glad to hear you were knitting a pair of socks Mother but when I get them it will seem a shame to put them on my feet for the little time they will last. I certainly appreciate it greatly but not being able to wash them on account of the wet weather which will probably last weeks I think it would be better to spend your time in making coats for the Belgian refugees and send a pair of boughten kind. They don't need to be good for walking in nor expensive as we spend most of our time in the trenches and really need dry things more than anything else. We are all going to be issued with Mackintoshes today so we will soon be equipped to stand the roughest weather. Joe wrote me this week from Glasgow. He is seriously thinking of taking out a commission in some Scotish Regiment. With Ralph in India now the Law and Weir family are well represented in the present struggle. Don't you think so? Was sorry to hear Miss Fraser had to go back to Jamaica and unable to finish her term. Agnes too will miss her considerably. Eudora does not seem to have much fun when she gets sick does she? She made me laugh when she was telling about deciding to go back to night school. I guess she still putters about trying on her new foxy dresses and jibbers away with Evelyn in the kitchen. Saw Gordon today. He is well and feeling good natured as ever. Orvil has been up to see us several times. Don't mention the fact to his mother that he comes up here at all. She is not supposed to know, but he seems to be craving excitement and cant keep away. He tells me you gave my letter to his mother. Did you ask her would she care for some light reading before you gave it to her? I am sure she will think it that. Orvil writes home very frequently I understand and keeps her pretty well posted. How did William and Eudora enjoy their trip to Berlin. Too bad Emma was still in Tennessee. Better luck next time. Will write again soon hoping to hear from you soon, Your loving son John.

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