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Date: 1917

675928 G Co. 39th
3rd Brigade C.E.F.
West Sandling Camp.
My Own Darling Kitty,

I received both your welcome letter & parcel last night & many, many thanks my darling for both. Freddy & I have had a great feast out of the box & everything in it was just fine. We both thought the cigarettes the best we'd smoked. I was just wishing when the mail came around there would be some for me & about the first one he called out was for me & to think that I should ask you to send hubby some goodies, just as if you wouldn't send without asking sweetheart I could have kicked myself after I wrote that & to think there was a box on the way. Oh! my darling heart I'm afraid I don't realize what a good wifey I have at times.

My poor darling what a terrible time you do have on your travels, I'm glad I didn't know that the time that you were in that terrible fog or I'd have beat it right up to London & found you out. I feel very grateful to that soldier boy that helped you my love & I'm sorry you did not get his name & address as I would have written & thanked him myself. How terrible it is to think I was so near & couldn't help and comfort my dearest treasures on earth, how I wish that I were by your side now my love with our little treasure in my arms. How I do pray that we may be spared to live many years to come in happiness in our own little home again, that is all I live for.

Now darling about the extra Separation money for baby. I have made enquires from all the sources, but am afraid you have been misimformed love, as the Patriotic Fund is the only source that pays for children & of course you lost that by coming over here, but I will write Cyril tonight & find out for sure.

Now dearest I have some more news to tell you. I had a letter from A White today & he has rented the house to Mrs Layman at 6 dollars a month, he said it was all he could get as there are a number of houses empty & he was lucky to get a tenant all, but I will enclose the letter & you can read it for yourself. Fancy Drake wanting to buy the house. Arthur has not had very much schooling by his letter but he's a good friend worth having none-the-less.

I had a wee note from Mother dear today & am pleased to hear that dear Daddy is better, she says she does miss you & my little babe. I went down to Folkstone on New Year's & bought one of those little 168th brooches for Mother's birthday which was the 2nd of Jan; I was going to get one for you too love but I'll have to wait for next pay day, you won't mind will you dear?

Well my darling I'll say good-bye now as we've been a route march today & I'm so tired Give my love to Mother & Dad & Maggie & little Sonny & accept a husband's devoted love & affections to your own dear self & a thousand kisses to my darling babe Goodbye & God Bless & keep you my own own sweet love.
I am ever
XXXXXXX Your own darling hubby
From DaDaDa to his little darling & wifey

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