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675928 G. Co. C.E.F.
39th Batt. 3rd Brigade
West Sandling Camp
Ill be home for Christmas all right New Year's too & I'm going to take you to Scotland

My Own Darling Wifey,

I was so very pleased to receive an answer to my letters from you dearest, which I got on Sunday along with a nice wee note from your Mother, I was beginning to think you had forgotten you poor lonely hubby, but I guess I was too impatient. You know darling if I do not hear from you I just worry my head off & think all kinds of things & wonder if you're sick or if anything has gone wrong.

You see sweetheart you & my darling babe are always in my thoughts & without you life is nothing to me. Oh darling, what a wonderful thing love is, how sweet it is to know that you have some one to live for. It fills one with thanks to Him above, and helps one to bear all. I often wonder how any married man can get drunk or carry on with other women if he has a good wife at home. How can he face her again? or how can he expect her to remain true & pure to him?

I can't help thinking of this when I hear some of them talking of the times they had on their leave how they carried on with women lots of whom had husbands fighting in France. It made me feel so thankful to God for giving me a good wife.

Well sweetheart I lost my job as orderly today, they are just leaving one man to a hut now & I happened to be out of the hut when the sergent came around & Freddy was there so he told him to stay there & I had to go out on parade. Freddy had had a letter from Milton Campbell (you remember him, he was with us at London Fair, with the Allen's) & he say's, that whatever we do don't go to France, do any job here in preference. Freddy told him we were trying to get a transfer to the Motor transport or get on as instructors & he's going to do his best to help us, he's a sergent major & he's go some pull & he's going to get his O.C. to write our's & get us on to some good job. Our own serjent has reccommended us to the Captain as instructors & between the two we should get something. I was down to Hythe last night (a town about 3 miles from here) on piquet, had to walk up & down the streets till 10 pm, with a white band round my hat, looking for drunks. I walked about 10 miles I guess & I was dead tired when I got home.

Now dear I got a wee note from Harold today & he thinks he'll have quite a job getting away at Christmas he got the cigarettes & my letter. O.K.

Don't worry about your pay dearest it will come all right, you see it is probably on account of the battalion being broken up that causes the delay, & I'm sorry, I can't send you any as all I have is 1 ½ d to last me till the 22nd & buy stamps to write you my love.
I was pleased to know you were all right as I was sure you would be. As I was very careful to look after you

Well sweetheart I must close now I could write you all night, but they have turned off all the lights & I have to finish by the aid of a candle. There must be an air raid close by. So will wish you Goodnight darling heart, a thousand kisses to you & my babe & love to Mother & Dad & all the children,

I am ever your own devoted hubby,

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