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Camp Borden
My Own Darling Kitty,

I have been anxiously looking for some word from you today to know how you were getting along but none has arrived yet so I hope no new is good news at least I pray they are, Oh! my dearest I have been worrying so much about you love if you only knew how miserable I am do please let hubby know how you are right away I am almost beside myself thinking & thinking how my darling is

I am going up before the captain tommorrow to see if I cannot get leave to come home until you go home, I tried to get my pass this week end but as yet have not succeeded so I am going up before the captain to see if I can get a special pass to come home from the 1st until the 8th so that I can see you off, but darling heart if you wish me now just telegraph or telephone & I'll come if I take trench leave Oh! my love how sick I am of it all, if I had only stayed away from this cursed army & you would have been happy & content & would never have thought of going home to leave me.

There were 4 fellows got their discharge to-day & how I wished I had been one of them. Arthur Rogers & Mae Hall were two The other two I didnt know, all I wish was that I had been one. My nerves are in an awful condition & my heart pumps like a thrashing machine. If I went before a medical board theyld kick me out in five minutes I think I'll go over to Weston & make him take me up I get so shakey at times I can't control myself I'd never be able to shoot a rifle. Well my darling I think Ill close now out do please write & let hubby know how you are keeping if you only knew how each minute & each hour I worry & think of my darlings. Give my little one a great big hug & a kiss from Da-Da-Da & accept heaps to your dear self

I am ever
Your devoted hubby

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