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Date: April 18th 1917

Wednesday 18/4/17
My Own Darling Kitty,

Here I have two dear letters of yours & two of Mother's to answer tonight. Well darling I'm so sorry I've not written before but I have not had a chance until now. I am out again in rest camp for a while & it surely is a treat to get away from the roar of guns & etc. but the best treat was the four letters awaiting me. Yes! love I have written to Weeks & I also wrote Dr. Reid a line. Oh yes dear I got your lovely box safely & I thanked you in my last letter & told you how it came at the right time. It sure is a treat as it is so hard to buy anything here. I have been out for two hours tonight trying to buy a pencil & in the end I had to borrow one. All you can get is eggs or biscuits & they are so expensive, 3d an egg & +d for a wee packet of biscuits & half the time you go in a store its "Finis Monsieur Napai[?] "which means "sold out." Mother dear says she sent me a box over two weeks ago, but I have not seen it yet. The Socks were fine dear, but I don't throw them away, I turn them in when dirty & get a clean pair in exchange. No! love I don't need a shirt as everytime we get a bath, we get clean underwear, shirt, sox & towel. Just send lots to eat, some good lice killer, (Sabadilla Seeds are good) then I can sleep nights, ha! ha!. Oh if you could enclose a can of that "condensed milk & cocoa sweetened" its all ready to add to boiling water & it makes a dandy drink. Oh, & could you get a flash light battery, ask for "British Eveready" no. 1678 B.S. Battery. I think thats all my sweetheart.

Now, I do hope my little darling is better & her teeth are not bothering her by the time you get this. Yes! my loved one I know she must be growing, but I'd know her love you bet, & how could she help but be anything else but cute & so loving with such a dear, dear Mama.

Never mind love the day is not far ahead when I'll take you both in my arms & what a day that will be, I dream of it night & day & I feel certain Providence will spare me to return safe & sound. I am so pleased you are looking after yourself, don't begrudge yourself darling & by lots of nice things. How I would love to go down town & select your shoes, but never mind I'll be home in time to walk out with you when you sport them. Fancy our darling receiving such a parcel, she sure is lucky & yes! love you must soon go down to Reading, dear Ma she's all the time talking about you & she tells me all you write about to her. Never mind dear the next Holiday I'll be home & Oh! what a time we'll have eh? dearest. Now don't worry about the house love I'll explain when I come home, that was a good idea to send the rent to Arthur White as he will look after our interests. Oh Yes! dearest a candle or two are useful in the dugouts, but wrap the apart from the other stuff as they get warm sometimes & melt & try & get a tin box & cover it with cloth as they are so rough. Yes! love I knew Thompson & Wilson (not Gibson he's here with us.) were back in Canada & I understand they got such a hot welcome they've decided to enlist as privates to save their faces. They could have come to France if they'd revert to Leuitenants, that's what Gibson done gee! he's the only man we had among the 168th officers. Anyway he's the only one who had pluck enough to come to France.

Well love things certainly look brighter in the papers now every day & its a treat to read them. The only thing I'm afraid of is if America don't hurry we won't need her help. Gee! Our lads are certainly doing great work & its so amusing how keen they all are for souveniers & we've had lots of chances to get them lately, but I pass by them all & tell them the only one souvenier I want is a whole skin to take back just as I bought it here & I trust Providence will grant me such. Well dearest loved one I'll have to close now as I want to write to Mother dear. Charlie Pearce & Harry Murray Both Frank & Wilfred wish to be kindly remembered to you & also thank your for your kind enqurires for them. Give Mother & Dad & Maggie & Sonny my best love & tell them I'll soon be home now & give my wee darling such a big hug & tons & kisses & to your dear sweet self accept my devoted love & affections my own love.

I am ever & always only your own hubby



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