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Date: February 3rd 1917

675928 G. Co.
6th Batt. 1st Brigade
East Sandling Camp.
(Saturday) 3/2/17
P.S. How do you like the disguised address I wrote myself eh? ha! ha!

My Own Darling Wifey,

I have just received you welcome letter & parcel together about half an hour ago & thank you so much for the socks & goodies, I have certainly had a good feed lovey & most of the boys got a taste too, I hand it around & say Have a taste of my wifey's goodies boys & they certainly enjoy it. I have saved some for Freddy & myself before we go to bed tonight, he's gone to Folkstone this afternoon so he'll have to wait till he comes back. I sent your brooches off this morning dearest & registered the letter so you'll get them all right.

Really dear I did not get your letter last week, the one you posted on Wednesday some brute has got it & read it again likely & I suppose he'll be answering it like that one of Mother's Gee! it makes me mad the way they use our mail. When I get settled I'll have my mail posted outside of camp.

Now dearest I hope your cold is better by now. Why did'nt you tell me before lovey? Poor Bill Cousin's has good reason to be sick of it all. I am dead sick of it & I hav'nt been in it half as long as he has. Yes! my loved one we'll make up of this some day, eh? Oh! my darling I am longing for a thousand kisses & those darling arms around my neck again. If I had my way I'd be home tommorrow I'd start tonight, but then it won't be long now & we must patiently wait, but when I do come dearest I'll give you a big hug every five minutes & just cover you with kisses eh? What do you think of my dinky note paper? I found this in the hut when we moved in along with some post cards in a little case, some fellow left it behind.

I am just longing to see my little Margeret again she must be a big girl now & yes certainly I must have her picture & also yours my love. Remember I still have a little case in my pocket with two empty places for my two darling's pictures, so do please have them taken dear I'd just love to have your picture dear to look at, it would bring you so much nearer to me. I often take the case out & look at that little snap I took & wish I had a good one, so I could show the boy my good looking darling.

Well my loved one Freddy has not heard any more about going away, but he's supposed to be in readiness anytime. I don't' think I'll worry about going until I see what its like. If I stick around here I'll drop in to something one of these days. I'm not the least bit afraid of going to France anyway, I can dodge them alright, don't you worry my dearest. Oh! say did you notice in the Liberal that Jessie Kilman or rather Mrs Gardiner had another baby in December some time. I forget exactly when now? Also Charlie Pearce's have moved to town in Conn's house there by Taylor's & he is in with Turefitt in the Farm Impliment Business, A new customer when I get back eh?

Well darling I have told you about all now. So give my love to Mother, Dad & Maggie & give my little babe dear sucha big hug & heaps of kisses & accept my bestest love & kisses galore & I'll soon be home sweetheart, Goodnight I am always your devoted hubby


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