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Date: January 24th 1917

675928 G. Co.
6th Batt. C.E.F.
East Sandling Camp
Wednesday 24/1/17
My Own Darling Wifey,

I felt I must sit down & write you a wee line tonight as I am so homesick to see you my loved one.

How I wish & pray this terrible war will soon be over, that we can go back to our own dear little Canadian home. But then we must just live in hope, everything points to an early settlement and my only wish is, it comes soon,

I had a letter from Mother dear yesterday & she advises me to leave bombing alone as its very dangerous work, so I really dont know what to do. I have been talking to quite a few fellows around here who have been turned down from draft & they say, that there is a very strict medical board before we go to France & the doctor especially examines the heart, so I don't think I'll go. I have had half a mind to report sick to the doctor one of these mornings, as I don't feel at all well, my heart bothers me when I try to run or do physical drill & I feel weak & tremble all over. Our corporal in our hut said to me today "You'll never see France, the shape you're in" & he's been up before the board & got turned down, Don't be alarmed dearest I'm looking after myself & this spell might be the means of keeping me here & I am smoking pretty heavy to help matters out as much as possible.

Now my love you asked me about getting you a maple leave with the "168th" on it. Really love I don't know where I could get one, as these I wear on my shoulder are just plain & have no "168" one it. Of course I'll send you one of those if you wish sweetheart but you'll have to shine it. You know they never had a small maple leaf with our number on it, only a big one for the cap. Their collar badges are a beaver sitting on a scroll. I will enclose a sketch of one like I sent mother & another like I can get in Folkstone & you can tell me which you like best.

Now sweetheart we had the Duke of Connaught inspect us the other day. We had to give him a "royal salute" & a whole lot more foolery, he kept us standing all Tuesday afternoon in the cold till we were absolutely frozen. This ceremonial stuff makes me wild. They sized all the men up made them shine up & have everything absolutely perfect & I don't suppose the old fool ever saw us, He just walked down the line & talk & laughed with the Brigadier all the time.

I put in for a week end this week but I hav'nt heard whether I'll get it yet. Oh! my own loved one how I am longing for that six day pass that I may clasp you to my heart again & whisper my love to you sweetone. I dream day & night of it & believe me loved one when this war is over & I'm back with you again I'll never, never let you out of my sight again, Hows my little darling, give her a big, big hug & kisses galore & tell her about her soldier DaDa who loves her dearly & accept any own dear one my bestest love & kisses yourself. Give my love to all. Mother, Daddy, Maggie & little sonny, With heaps of love sweetheart.

I am ever
Your own devoted hubby

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