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Date: July 5th 1900

34 of us went out with about 100 S.A.L. H with a pom-pom. Stopped for dinner about 15 miles north. S.A.L.H. were fired on by Boers. We were sent out scouting to one side . About 20 of us were ahead scouting about 50 yds. apart the and the rest were following in a bunch. We sighted a bunch of 4 ahead of us about a mile. They stopped on top of a hill and began to pepper us at 3,000 yds. One of their shots came close to our captain. We dismounted and returned their fire and we retired. Corporal Mc Millain brought up the rest of the men and we advance to another hill ahead. We opened fire on them from there. After a little another body galloped within 300 yds, jumped of their horses and took pot shots at them. Alex McArthur was shot through the right forearm and right hip. J.G. McDougald above the left knee and Geo. Sparks through the back of the neck. Serg,t. Stringer & Isbister missing. McArthur's horse shot. Grey's and Shuttleworth's horses wounded. Colin and I posted on top of hill to worn troop if any were following.

Stopped in a hay field on Steyer's Farm while the boys had their wounds bandaged. Serg't Buchanon & I sent on for reinforcements. Met S.A.L.H. Cap't and 2 others. Cap't went with Cap't Adamson to see the colonel. The rest of us moved on to a Boer farm. A woman and a lot of girls in the house. Left McArthur & Mc Dougald there to wait for the ambulance. The rest of us got into Standerton at 8 P.M. Others got in at 4 in the morning.
