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Date: August 12th 1898

In Camp Aug 12th 1898

My Dear Sister

Yours of the 5th has been waiting in my pocket for some news to turn up for answering and as any has not turned up yet I will write anyway, as the washerwoman said I am going to be sick to morrow. We have got a "Coon" cooking for us now and he made such a descided improvement in our menu that we overdid the thing and of course it set my stomach up side down it being the first touch of Dir---that I have had since coming here I was feeling pretty good yesterday and walked over to the shower baths I think I must have been too warm when in the baths and the evenings are quite cool we had a little hore frost last night. I have caught a light cold which one feel a little dumpish I have just come from the Hosp I asked for some quinine pills and near fell with astonishment when they said they had "no pills but he had the capsuls I have just swallowed 3 of them and if you do not hear from me in a week or so you can guess what has become of me. I suppose you saw that the war is over and that the soldiers are all going home and the Government is going to buy up all the bird seed in the country and that they are going to march us to Nashville Tenn They were going to send us to Knoxville first a distance of about 300 miles but the comanding physian says we can not stand it I would like that first rate we could see some fine country. We had one of the finest parades you ever saw last Tuesday it was a grand review bu Gen Breckenridge it took from 6am to 3 pm for them all to pass it looked nice to see about 3000 trained horses in one Colum We passed through a large field about a mile long it is situated on a slope and we marched along the base and the reviewing officers and the spectators at the top when we passed we got a good applause we are going to have another Wednesday previous to our departure I hear that we are to have 80.000 spectators it will be a grand ocasion I wish you could see it. There has been quite a few in our reg got discharged on act of phisical disability there has been a fellow by the name of Chisolm he was in Co K he lived on the heights and another young fellow by the name of Skuse. and one of our sargants by the name of Gibson has gone home on 30 days furlow Don knows him he is a barber They have passed a law in Washington allowing convelesents 30 days lieve of absance with all expenses paid poor Tommy took sick with paralasses about a week ago and they had to cart him away to Division Hosp he came back yesterday and is now convulesent and is going to get a furlough he told me not to mention it as he was going to suprise them at home. there is a few

end of this letter missing.

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