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[The following is from a letter that Victor Green wrote to his grandson. It includes his spelling and grammar errors to keep it in his own words. Everything is spelled phonically.]

This is a Part of My Life from 1914 to 1918

On the 4th of August 1914, I went to work at Royal Crown Soap Works. The weather was sunney clear day, but I kept thinking about the start of this war. So I went to the office and told them that I wanted my pay, as I wanted to get the midnight boat for Victoria. Where I would join the Army.  And the staff wished me well. I was the first man from Soap Works to join the army. I fell asleep in a chair on the Ship Princess Adalade. And as the Ship swung in to the Iner Harbour, I knew wat I was going to do. Leaving this Ship walking up the gang way, was this big fat recruiting Sargent with his read sash over his shoulder. He asked me to join the 88th Fusilears. I said OK, so I was driven to Fort Street and Government Street. There I was striped and the Dr. gave me an examination. He passed me. Then I got a release to go home to see my family. But my Dad was in Colwood working on the pipe line. So I had to be in the old dry dock to be sworn in as a Solder. This was dun.  And I had my first meal as a Solder. And given two blankets and a place in a tent only feet away from the dock. Wat a home.  As the recrutes came in to the camp. And by lights out there was 13 young men to sleep in this tent. The examanations by Dr. Scot Monteath finished. You were now readey to drill and do the Army rutean on the double.

Moor men kept coming in and we found out they were coming in from the U.S.A. and Old Deserters from the British Serveses. Fine men and these men became our Instructers. But they were big beer drinkers and they all soon had stripes and crowns on there sleves. But the men and boys from B.C. still had not got eney equipment or clothing.  Just steaks to do rifall drills and plenty of long marching. Then about 2 munths we started to get unforms and Ross Rifals. Now we did duteys as Solders. Then we were bilited in the Old Exibeshion Buildings at Willows. And 6 am was revaly and P. T. and a run through the Uplands. Wich at that time had only 4 homes in it. And the fields all around the Uplands we dug trenches. Then there was a scare that the Girmon Pacefic Fleet would make some atemp to destroy Victoria and Esquimalt and get the coal warf. So we dug trenches all along Dallas Rd. but no Girmon Ships came our way.

Then the Second Squadren of the British Navey sank those ships in the South Pacefic. One Girmon Ship the Emdin* got away and was finaley sunk near Australea. By this time we were well equipped. And in Feburey thay sent for reinforcements and we were picked with 3 other Betelions** for over seas.

We marched to the C.P.R. Warf and took the Ship Princess Adaley to Vancouver. Then the 7 days on the train. Feb. 15th and as we passed through the mountains and prarey it was dam cold for us every time we got out of this train. And at Winneypeg they were going to march us to the Y.M.C.A. for a bath. But it was 50 blow and ears and feet started to show frost bite. So we were taken back to the coaches.
By this time I was a Stretcher Bearer(S.B.). So we had to get snow and rub these frost bites. And we did a good job and we did not loose a man. The train pulled out and we soon got to White River on Lake Supera. Then the march there was canceled as even the engine that was to pull us East was frozen to the track and had to be bumped so as it could move this was dun. And we soon got going again then we got to Ottawa. And marched to the Parlement Buildings for General Sam Hughes and others to look over. It was a clear sunney day not cold. Then off again to Montreal and it was dark. But we were soon on our way through the Lower Canada and we noticed crosses on most of the hight hills as these crosses were a reminder of Christ. On we moved to chereing crowds at the small stations. Then Halifas. I and another Stretcher Bearer was given a letter to take to the fourt to get Medcal Suplies for the boat trip. As we walked through the nigrow part of Halifas on our way back to the ship we both got go go eyes from the fine young girls. But we could not stop and talk to them. And as we passed the Coble Alley Way down through werehouses on the harbour. We stoped and watched a bunch of rats fighting in these alleys. Once aboard the ship the Misonaber on her return madin voyage. She soon pulled out the harbour.

Until our Convoy was complete then for the open ocean. The Cruser Essex on the lead. And a destroyer on each side. And I felt sick to see these destroyers roaling and standing on there after ends then nose diving in to the waves. Was a sight one can never forget. The Voyage was safe and we landed in Queenstown, Ireland. A great sight we saw. Some 100 or moor sailing ships tied up and ancored. By the church that was near finished, the ship droped ancour. And we would spend the next 4 days this way. But the spell was maid injoyible by the Irish Venders who came abord our ship selling shalls and linen things. I bought wat I could afford. And sent home. But those lovley Irish woman. Spanish eyes, dark hair. The boys all went for them. I could of fallen for menney of them.

Then a march through Cork and the children and grown ups cheering. It is some thing to remembered. Back on board over looking an island in the harbour was a militery prison. We could see the prisoners cracking rocks. That night was all dark as we pulled out 5 destroyers and the Famouth and fastess ship built up to the time was the Tiporey. Every ship was at full speed, the sea was farley clam and all ships kept the pace. And we landed in the mouth of Bristell Chanall. And it was hight tide in this calm lovely day. The ships kept on going past Wales to Haven Mouth and the tide had gone down. And it seamed we were in mountains then through the lock and tied up at the docks where we unloaded. And as I looked down on these docks and railway lines, I noticed an engine shuving in pasanger cars. And from this view it seamed like a toy train. But with in the hour we were on that train. Traveling over 60 miles an hour. And stones from the track would crack aganst some part of the train with a loud noise. The weather was mild and lights from farms and vilages appeared. As England had not blacked out like World War Two. And now we were going around Londen. And just outside of Croyden, I noticed an engine SE & CR. Of course I knew right then that this train was going some where on the SE coast of England. The train soon left Londen behind. And my Chumees keep asking me where is this train taking us. But somewhere around 11 pm this train stoped all out. And the letters on the station board said Shorncliff. But I had never been here befor. It was like being in a dream. Orders were fall in two ranks. Quick March. Out side of the station was our gides. We formed fours and marched off after an half hour we were on Sant Martins Plains. And it was cold and windy, of corse this was it. It was now after mid night. The men were given the No. of the brick baracks room where we lived and worked out all of up to April.

After getting inside the barack room. So menney was detailed to the cookhouse where according to your barock No. We picked up pails of stu, bread, tea, butter. This cooking was dun by the cooks of the British Second Black Watch Regment. And as soon as these cooks had handed it over to our 30th Batelion, they left for France. The training was put to the limit as by now they new that it would be a hard task to beet the Germans at there own gaim, War. While at Sant Martins Plains the primroses and a blue flower was along the hedges of this lovley County Kent. But beutey was one thing. The Germans over there was an other. But this came to a close, fall in and we marched to the pear.

No boat came as there was activetey in the English Chanal. So we were to get back to our baracks. This maneuver by our buddeys was called the retreat from Falkstone. But some of our boys stole one of the buses and drove it full of Solders to the out side of Londen where it ran out of gas. These Solders who took the bus got 2 years sentence to be served after the war. But the next night there was three boats tied to the docks and was soon full and on its way to Bolvun. It was around 12 midnight, every thing in this coast was blacked out. It was the battle ground of the western front and it would only be days befor we would see dead and dying. But this march through Balony up the hill no lights and only Spratts Pat Dog Biscutes and dam near frose to deth. And the wind was so strong, but we were soon on our way again.

Down the hill into a French train and we were going into danger zone hiking Epery, at Bailue. This was only 2 days and we were marched over to the 7th Batt. We were greated by the 200 men who had come through the Second Battle of Ypers. And we were buddeys back in Victoria B.C. But the cry for blood by the alie commanders took us in behind Testabert. Where we would go in to the trenches that had been blown to hell by the Germans, this was May 23, 1915. But we moved into those trenches and crawled over the top at 3 am on the 24th of May 1915.

The troops were sluped, cold and the wounded and dying were every where. The German Armey had 10 times moor artillery than us and the Germans had moor shells and biger shells than us. She gave us a big loss.

One day in the line and we had to get another draft of 600 men. They were waiting a long side of the Labasey Cannel. In we went in to this new place Givenchey Ridge.  Hight and dry and the wether had turned hot. And the smell was not like roses. Ded horses as well as men. And the change that was used for so much did not kill these oders. But our trip in the line was no to bad, as First Bigraid took over and we were back in reserve. Then all Hell broke loos. And we were standing by wating. This Bigraid was being chequed to the Prushion Gards and did not gane a yard. And us S.B. were asked to volentere and healp to get the wounded out. I put coton baten in my ears and went over the top within 30 or 40 feet of the German Front Line. But the strafing by our side was keeping the Hun down. So we had got most of our Solders who were cought hanging on the barb wire. Now I had 3 Solders so badley wounded in the abderman that I pulled them into a shell hole. And Nick and I pulled there legs up towards there sholders.  So as the blood stayed in there abderman. Nick went for healp and I was kept back. So I was stuck in this shell hole with three healpless Solders. The wether was hot. Only 2 dog biscutes and a bottle of water. And I took the water bottles away from these wounded Solders as water could kill them. But I layed along side of these poor diviles and swabbed there lips and mouth. It was a long day. As I was going to make a brake for it as soon as it got dark. But when it got dark, I draged first one of the wonded, then other two and I cleaned this shell hole deeper. Then Hell broke loos and the falling shells were so close. And my three Solders were still living but I knew I would have to get them out. There lips were swolen so big. And there eyes were bearley open.  And the water had ran out. I think I can say this was the longest day in my life and the wirst. And now the big scair it was dark. And some thing was crawling fast to us. When one of my solders growned, then a wisper, can you here me. I said yes, S.B. with wounded. He said keep down and we will try and get you out and the wounded.

It was not to long and the wounded was pulled along the ground bit at a time untill we hit this trench. Got the wounded and I got a shot of rum and dog biscutes and water.  And I was ordered back to my own Batelion. And Nick was not there, he had fell into a trench and tore his leg. So now I got a new buddey. But we were pulled back and we stoped at a fine town called Bethune. And the Medical Core was billeted in with the Fathers of this Big Church. We were treated like the Prodical Son on hour return. Then Dr. Gibson said to me. We have to go into Bethune and examin the ladeys in three licensed houses. Then a Police Man and two Gendarm went along with us to these houses of enjoyment. At the doors of these places of business, I rang the bell. And the Gendarm told her this was the Dr. to examin the girls, befor they could let eney one in. I told the French man who spoke English, I wanted the two bowls and the bag he had carried. I got this all ready on the table, the Dr. put his glove on. You can think about the rest. But the ladey of the house gave the partey drinks. And we were to the next house of fun and enjoyment.  We were now through and the Dr. dismissed us . We had seen the comeing of an adventure. Stop. Outside on the main street there was thousands of Solders and sevilans wating for the doors to open, four abrest and the Militrey Police keeping lines from blocking the street. And I am pleased to report no Solder got a dose of desease by there love affairs. Then after three days they paid us 15 franks. Then around 7 pm they rounded us all up in the Estamneys and places where we could get eggs fried and a cake.

It was raining as if some one had split the sky. But with full packs we started to march. And the first cross road, we were ordered to march to atension, but no solder did. It was the General and his staff all siting in the rain on horse back. But when we got to Plugstreet, 7th Batelion got 21 days on the frunt line. Wich turned out to be a rest. And warm wether in June. The line was quite. And the trenches 40 or moor feet from the German trench. And the Deule River was tuching the German trenches. So we were OK. The senery here was beutifull as we were on the Estate of Henercey, the Three Star Brandy owner and the Estate of the Crown of Belgum. The phesants and rabbits maid good eating with the dog biscutes. And one of the S.B.'s job was to put water every few bays in the trench in the cases that the rifall aminition came in, as they were tin lined and held water with salsoda. This was to dip a field dressing and plase over your moth in case the Germans put over gas again. As there had not been eney gas masks as yet. An other job was seeing that amunitean got in for trench mortors, and that`s a great ball waying 40 to 80 pounds. We were paking them and boxes of gurnades on our sholders up to the frunt line. The rest of that summer we were kept buisey braking in the Seran Devechean.

But as fall came in with rain. These trenches were running streams at least 18 inches deep. Thats how so menney Solders got trench feet. Now the S.B. had another job to take care of. To go through the trench and get one man to stand by and take one boot off at a time while we rubed his foot with Whale Oil and Borsic Acide. Right through the trenches we were holding. In frunt Pety Due Farm, looking up the hill the Hun was holding. The 7th Batelion took to raid of this barn yard trench and came back with prisoners. And the 7th Batelion only lost 1 Solder. I was at Irish farm with a waking casualty at the time these German Solders were there. Prushion Gards, great big men, and they were very down harted that now they were captured. But then the Germans damed the river. And in a day or so he had flooded us out. Passed the race track of these big big estate. And we were marched away past Bayule to near Monteycut where the big Convent was. People still lived there. The Germans shelled the Convent containing children. This was a teriball time in the war for me, deeling with wounded children and espeshilly the nuns, it was no time to be modess. They had wounds every where, think how they felt having a Solder feeling them up.

Just across in to Belgum, I and Nick were detailed to go and get medical suplyes. And on the way back we stoped at an estamney and had beer. Looking out in the yard you could see a flock of 20 or moor turkeys. So now I was to steal one. And as I approached the flock, gubler maid for me. It was its last try as I had his head and had twisted it. And some 5 or 6 hundred feet up the road the boys joined me. So we cut the turkeys neck and kept marching. When the 16th Batelion appeared, so I moved to the outside and tucked the turkey holding its feet to look like a bag pipe. Getting back in our billit we skined  the turkey and burned its feathers. The cook started a good meal for all of us. And the other S.B. had been out and stole potatoe, turnips and cabbage. And we had the refugees from Maseanes Ridge eat with us around 8 pm and we had wine also.

It was cold to sleep in the barn but we had got some stolen straw. So we laid down for sleep. When in came the 7th Batelion Police loking for S.B. Green, that was me and I played sleep, but I got kicked on the feet. Get dressed, yu are wanted at head quarters. Now I was shure I was caught by getting that turkey. So I went  with them to head quarters. There sat two officers and an orderly. Wat size are you. So I got a new uniform. Then you can only have 20 pounds. And get going and get back here or you will miss the train for the boat. I had a pass for 10 days in Blighley. I went quickley back. And in the dark I poked my hand into the rashian bag and got a tin with paper around it. Oh I thought, I had a tin of marmalade, but it was not. I filled my pockets full of dog biscuts and ran back to head quarters. There was two wagons and horses ready to pull out. As they had 6 miles or moor to get to the railway track at Bayule. This was the worst ride I have ever had in these ration boxes called wagons. But we got there on time and fell in, 6 men each side of the railway coach, 6 moor, then I was in the next 6. And I found I was in with 5 Scotch Solders. And after we got acquainted it was a good bunch. We got to the coast about 9 pm that day. No one had eaten, only me and I had been sparing in giving the dog biscutes away.

So now we were on board a ship and she was at full speed. I dug deep and brought out the tin I had gotten. Wich turned out the milk for two days. But with the biscutes and condense milk we all ate well. These Scotch were going to Edenbour. One was going to Kercaldey, the saim as I was. So we poled up. And we had good meals in Dover and again in Londen.

Then for the Scotch Express at 11:30pm. I soon fell asleep with the action of the train. And when I woke up my boots had been taken off. I soon found out this came about. A woman was sitting along side me, and when I saw that, I was frighten in case I had of been to drunk. But that was not the case.

We were just beginning to see day light and we were making the last stop in New Castle. And then I thought the Einginere had gone nuts, the speed and the noise over the rails. But we were soon in Edenbour. My new friend took me down Princes St., down the steps into a basement store who cooked Scotch Buns and Pancakes. And they were good. But we had to get back to that station to catch the train for Kilcaldey.

I then wanted to cash this cheque and find out how to get to Jimey Halleys house. I looked up at a sign the Davies Publishion Co. So I crossed the road and went in side of this store. I ask the girl clerk I would like to see the manager. Then this lovely girl told me she was the managers daughter. She would get her dad. He came from the back. A big man, over  6'-6" with hands like a giant. I asked if he could tell me how to get to this adress and I wanted to cash this cheque. He took me to the bank and stood good for the cheque. It was the first time I had ever seen a bill like our money. Mr. Davidson ask me to come back with him and his daughter could take me to the adress I had. So this fine young Scotch lassey drove me in there truck to Halleys house. But Jimmy was away working at East Side Navel Bace. So I went back into town, taken by Miss Davidson for dinner in there house. She played the piano and gave me a fine day. I went to a store and got new under clothes, then to the YMCA and got a bath. I ask the keeper in the YMCA to burn them. But I found out later he did not. I spent 4 fine days here being cared for. And the man I gave the underwhere to told me that my clothes were lousy. But they boiled them and he had them on. I bought the bigest  lobster I had ever seen for 30 shilings.

Now it was time for me to leave. So I took the train back through Edenbour, past Carlile into Notingham where my father had come to be with the British Armey. Wat I saw with my own eyes, I never forgot. So I took the train for Londen and then to Erith to the gratest Grand Dad and Grand Mother and Aunts a boy ever had. They took me every where I wanted to go. And Cousand, ever was loveliness in her self to wards me. Also her girl friend, it was a grand time.

So I had to be at Victoria Station where I could be chequed in. And back to France. But by luck I found out I had to miss the train by fighting to get on it. I did it good. I got into the RTO office 10 minutes befor the train pulled out. I also got 2 pounds and two moor day pass.

I took the final train back to Dover and then up the fighting line 3 days befor Christmas at Plugstreet. My arrival at the dressing station was salom as 4 Solders who I used to be with were hit by a shell in the dughoute. Wiliams from West Minster, Whitehouse, Wiget and Merl and I used to sleep with them. So the two stolen days save my life. So I went with other S.B. as Wiliams was a S.B. in No. 4 Company like myself. So I went to this funeral on Hill 63 and on the Estate of the Begum Royalty.

But now this part of our line was mud and water untill they shifted back into the Yperes Sailent on to Hill 60, the most atacked part of the frunt., until Verdun. We went to Hill 60 and it was not to bad, only 40 or 50 Solders killed and wounded in a week. But in two moor weeks it was mines exploding and atacks and we caught one of the Gereys Inginers running measurements. So they kept him in our front line along with a man who spoke German and was a Sealour from Victoria. He got to know that the Hun was going to blow us up at 10 pm and atack. So the 7th Bat. pulled every one out of the frunt line. And then put only one man with a phone wire on his rist to pull should he see eney thing deserving. The Huns cut cut loos with every thing he had. I was in the North of the Internatal trench taking care of wounded, so was Nick and Peat Hughes and Dan. But I got 11 gunshot wounds in the back and four broken ribs and hemorige in the stomack, while I carryed a wounded Solder, I called for help. So did Nick. I passed out and in the mean time the Hun had blown this other mine some 60 ft. under the frunt line trench. And that Solder was blown a 1000 yards behind the German line and was a prisoner untill the war ended. I have sat in Lodge with him when he visited Victoria. This mine almost covered me but as they went back to the face of the crater they steped on me. I yelled and then passed out again. But the next time I came through to my senses, I was on a stretcher on a small rail flat car that had 3 other wounded buddeys on it. They pushed this truck into the White Swan Dressing Station, I would rather be in Victoria stamping White Swan Soap at this time and then Dr. came to me, he had a stretcher case taken off the amblance and put me on as it was now almost light. And nothing deared to move in day light in the Yperes Sailent.

So it was a ruff ride but I had passed out again. As the blood was almost choking me, but as soon as I came alive the pain was killing. I ask for rum but I did not get even water. Only a stick pushed through my mouth. I was some time in this hospital. Then I was put on the train bound for the Coast. I was at the 23rd British Hospital now. All run by Americans and these fine people got my internal hemerage stoped and darling Sister Duffy from New York who pulled these clots out of my mouth was an Angle. Days later I was on a boat from Calley to Dover. At Dover this boat load of wounded were dispatched to eney where. But the tuck and go wounded, mostley to the Londen Distric. I had passed out in the train so thay sent me to RX Londen Hospital, Denmark Hill Kings Coladge Hospital. There I wood be for the next four munths. And I was exrayed every week for about 6 times. Then King Surgon came in and told me he wood operate in the morning. I went threw the enamas given by a ladey, shaved by another then bathed by another. I thank them all now, but at that time I thought they were playing with my tools, but they were not. It was in there duteys. So at 9 am I was taken to the OR and put to sleep. And I did not come to my sences untill I found some one playing on my feet. It was Dr. Spencer and when I moved my foot, he said thank God you will be all right. And he was right. He did see me a few times after that. But I was soon to be transferred to the Canadian Hospital on the Aster Estate at Taplow where I wood be for a munth or so. I did not injoy my freedom as they gave me a job as an Orderley to a Doctor. Make his bed, get the hot water for him to bath and shave. That was OK until I was to wate on tables. So I went down sick and got moved to Usbridge. And in days I had another job to chase the women out of the mens quarters. There was sevrall of us ordered to this work. And it is the hardest job I ever held. You could find a woman in her Sunday skin under beds, in the beds under the Solder, laying outside with them, And a fateage gang to pick up pance, cloths and rags and bottles every morning. In three days I lost the job. I went sick so I was put in bed in the club house. In a week or so I was transferred to Charley Chaplans Army Core. Board fencing and human solders by the dusands, waiting to be called in for claseafide catagores where you would go from there. It was almost two weeks pinned up like a crook, wating to see the Dr. on this station. But at last I wood not have to play, tos and pich for penneys. I was taken into a room and striped and one by one of these Dr.s went over the part of your carcus they played with, it took quite a time to go through all of this. The next day I was called for and told to get my kit bag as I was being taken to Munkshorton just out side of Dibgate. We get there around 4 pm, the wether was nice and warm. And we were several miles now from the Englaish Chanal. Soon we were given three board bed fraem near the ground. Then the cook house was blown on a bugal we were back in the Armey. The meales here were the best so far in my armey life. We ate well all we wanted and the bottled fruit from homes in Canada was good to our tasts. The next day all the Solders that came in that day was for a nother medical exam. When it came to my turn I get the Dr. from Kingstone jail. They called Pte. V Green. I said here sir. Go in there. The Dr. a very big man walked in and ask how did I feel. I said fine. Remove your clothes. I did. He shook his head and ask me how old are you. 18 going on 19, sir. he said your wounds have heeled. I ask if I could join my Batelion. He signed me out of hospital.

Now I was on my way to Vimy Ridge. On the morning of April 9th 1917, about 5:30 am all hell broke loos. Put coton wool in my ears and over the top to pick up casulteys. The Ridge was taken by us and much later a stope at Lens. And Hill 70. It was much quite there, just the odd rat-a-tat-tat of mashine guns. We had three days rest, then back to the frunt.

A railroad lay 40 feet or moor below the 7th Batelion. We crossed it, but suffered so meney casulteys, we were ordered back. I stayed with the injured men. I picked up one who was crying Stretcher Bearer and carried him over my sholder. The Huns opened machine gun fire on us and killed the man I carried and shot me in the legs. I droped to the ground and passed out.  Two or three nites later a Dr. and Nurse came to my bed in a Bologny Hospital. I recognised Bologny Hospital. I recogised the Nureses voise. It was Sister Duffy. I said Sister Duffy is that you.

She razed her lite to my face. Oh, she said, you are the boy who was so badley wounded and went back again. She said, Docter, sign him out of the war, he has had enugh.

Much later I was moved to a convelacing hospital in Epsom, Surrey. When my strength in my legs got beter. I went to the local dances. One evning a young lady who was being swung around hit her leg on a piler. The men yelled out, Stretcher Bearer. So I rushed to her side and checked out her foot. This girl was Gertude Budd who I wood marry a short time later.

A platform was built in the sqare at Epsom Militery Hospital. For days we practiced receeving our medals for bravery and saluting or Sargent Major. Now it was June 5th 1918, the king was ill, so General Turner, VC took his plase. I was the first man honored. The DCM was pined on my chest in front of 5000 felow Solders. The General said, you are a brave boy. You are now the second hightest honored man in our armeys. We congratlates you.

Six houres later, 3 pm, with the shiney metals on my chest, I got married to Gertie. I laughed saying that I`m the only man who got a metal to get married.

Returning to Victoria after the war. I went to work for the Foundation Ship Company as a shipright. Then More Wittington Lumber for 10 cents an hour. Then Puget Sound Lumber Company and later Wilfert Lumber Company. When Wilfert closed down, I borrow $50 and started the Highway and Byway Butcher, traveling a round selling meat. Gertie made sausage rolls and steak and kidney pies to sell. After a while I opened a store at Tattersal and Quadra Street in Victoria. We sold meat, butter 3 pounds for 51 cents, eggs 16 cents a dosen, and potatos 80 cents for 100 pounds. Second World War and rationing forced us out of buisness.

I went to work at Victoria Machinary Depot and Gertie also went there as a Welder.  I never had much schooling but passed the School of Hard Knocks. I strongly believe in learning by doing.

I finally went to the Veterans Hospital as an Nursing Orderley. This job lasted 18 years. I was asked to retire so went to work in my garden. Gertie and I have just had our 66 wedding anaversarey. We have two sons, Roy and Dwight and daughter Peggy. The boys served and got wounded in World War Two. We also have several grand childs and great grand childs. The End.