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Date: October 3rd 1944


Somewhere in England

Pte. J. L. Dureault

Tuesday Oct. 3/44

23 Cdn General Hosp.


Dearest Dad Mother Bro. Sis.

Well here I am once more I received one of Dad's swell letter's and belive me sure was glad more than glad I also got a letter from Helen Sanderson and Denise D. and Denise G. so I'm really getting letter's now and I sure am glad to get them all to as I have load's of time to write them.

Well Dad I'm glad you are feeling well but I'll bet your plenty tired at times Dad whatever you do take good care of yourself. Mother, Dad tells me you really have our nice home fixed up eh! I sure hop you didn't work to hard Mother and take care of yourself. Hello Blanche what you doing I haven't had a letter from you sine I'm in the Hosp. Say Hello to Paul for me eh! Lorraine and Emilda I hear you are being a good girls keep it up. Sister's. Well Geo old boy how are you? Eh! Many girls running after you ha ha. Carmelle loads of kisses to you and be a good girl. Hello there Maxine how are you. Million and thousand kisses and be a good girl.

Well Dad and Mother I want to thank you very very much for having the Sanctuary lamp burning for me boy that's more than any boy could ask for. I go to church every afternoon and guess what I do. Remember when I quite serving Mass at home as I thought I was to big well more I'm serving Mass every afternoon for father and also take in Communion to find it the most interesting thing in the world and really look forward to it. Well, I'm sure glad Uncle Abey put in a good word for me but I'm sure he made to big say Hello to Uncle for me and also Anty and loads of kisses to them and hope to see them soon. Also all the rest of Uncle and Ants and thank them all for informing them of me. I haven't yet received the parcel all the Uncle's sent me but as soon as I do I'll write tot hem all and thank them very very much for me eh! Dad and when I get the parcel I'll write to all of them. Well I sure hope its quite raining so the people will be able to take some of the crops and not go at it when it's damp. Helen S was telling me Dick C. and all them boys were home on leave gees are they in this war for the fun of it? I don't get it. Oh! Well what have I to worry about? I'm doing my share for the grandest family in the world. Boy my little Denise sure thought the world of you for phoning her up. Oh! Say how much was the call?? Don't any of you've get sore now. Ha Ha. But she sure praised you all up. She's working or help the neighbour's I told her she'd better learn how to make good pies ha ha. Well as room is short I'll close for now and don't worry about me I'm fine and taking treatments everyday and doing worlds of good. And as always may God bless you all and the very best of health and all the luck in the world be wit you and don't any of you worry about me. I'm fine and feeling darn tired of being in the Hospital but time flies. So here's hoping to hear from you soon and also to see you soon.

Your son and bro .. Louis xxxxx