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Date: July 17th 1918


July, 17, 1918

Budsie Darling:

Ever so pleased to receive your sweet letter with the enclosure from Bob. Say! You seem to have cut adrift from everybody haven't you. Everybody that writes to me says the same thing - "I never hear from Pink now". And the last two letters I have received from you, you have excused yourself for not writing the previous week. But, I am not going to start whining again, only tell me Dear, what do you do with yourself that you only have time to write two letters in a month? It seems funny to me. How do you spend your evenings? And why do you never answer any of the questions I ask when I write? I always seem to want to know so much, and you tell me so little. Re-read some of my letters Hon and see the numerous questions I have asked you. There is ever so much I would like to know. For instance, how much assigned pay are you receiving now? (our Paymaster wishes to know). When are you going to Vancouver? When are you going to send a photograph of yourself? Is it worth while numbering all of my letters, because you never have mentioned that any were missing. Did you receive the $50. remittance I sent you?

Budsie please don't stint yourself to save a few dollars. I should never take any enjoyment out of the money you have saved for my return when I know you must have stinted yourself for it. Bob and Irene are awfully anxious for you to go to Vancouver Dear. Please, will you go? Bob says they have a room all fixed up for you, and he has postponed his holidays so he can take them when you arrive. He will be able to show you all the sights. And, if the Patriotic people cut your allowance off, I'll send you every darn cent I can draw so that you won't miss it. Have a good time while you can Girlie. You will never be young again, and I won't appreciate it one little bit if, when I come home, I find Mrs. Moody looking like Mrs. Riseboro, or that Miss Read. If I did find you like that, I'd start another war on my own so that I could leave you again.

Oh, say. I subscribed for Motion Picture Magazine, and the Motion Picture Classic for you. I have seen some copies of them out here and I know you would like them awfully well. And when you are through with it, and you still get it, the Cosmopolitan would be much appreciated out here. We are always dying for something to read.

Bob feels pretty proud of himself doesn't he? And so shall I when MY little baby girl arrives. Oh, here's another bone I have to pick with you. Why do you persist in sending me snapshots of Bobby always with Tommie. Gosh if you only knew how mad I get when I open a letter and see a snapshot, only to find it's Tommie again! Darn it Buds, please don't send anymore - what do I want her pictures for? Hasn't she the sense or grey matter to know that I want pictures of YOU? Why does she never suggest that SHE will take a few pictures of YOU? Tell her will you Hon, or must I write and tell her.

I fell rather tired tonight - I think I could chew nails. We have spent the day cleaning and scrubbing our car getting it ready to be painted, and that will take about a week. Last time up the line we had a call to the Advanced Aid Post about 4 o'clock in the afternoon and Fritz began shelling the roads and we had to wait almost two hours until he quit. While we were waiting I went into the Observation Post and the observer let me look through the telescope at the Hienies behind their own line. The Observation Post was only about 800 yards from our front line so we were able to see quite a distance beyond his. It was quite a unique experience for me, and I was rather gald that Fritzie did shell the roads, otherwise I wouldn't have had the experience.

It's too dark to write any longer. Now, listen Missie, if you miss writing another week, I'll do it too, then see how you like it. Great stuff these reprisals Eh? I'm getting awfully fat again Hon, almost as fat as I was when I left home, except for the paunch!

All my love to you my baby girl. God bless and keep you. Kiss Bobs for me.

Ever your own
