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Date: November 2nd 1942

Dear Jean:

Here it is Monday night, - the only mail since my last letter was 300 Sweet Caps from the Forest Branch. They were very welcome of course. Naturally I have been busy since getting back from leave, and it has been a most satisfactory week. It looks as though I've won out on a battle I have been fighting practically ever since getting over here, and after repeated disappointments, once of twice I practically had it in the bag, but at the last minute, interference from "High sources" squashed it. However, this time it really looks as tho the thing is put over. There has a bit of satisfaction too, that very recently, persons senior to me had tried to get it through, and failed, and by a fortunate bit of arguing in the right place on the part of yours truly, and I know, connections which I had built up in this country before entering the army, seems to have done the trick. It may be a while before the thing is an actuality, in concrete form, but I have every reason to believe that the wheels are turning at last. After I get through my interview with a key industrialist, he said I could sell refrigerators to the eskimos. That is quite a compliment from an Englishmen. Of course there are others who share the credit for this, but I was privileged to do the star turn and with the solid backing of my seniors all the way up, it looks as though its tied up. Some day I'll be able to sell you the whole story, but for now, I know you will be glad to share my success, with knowledge of the bare facts above. Of course there are one or two other things I should like to put across, which I've tried so far unsuccessfully, but at least one very important thing has been accomplished.

The weather has been putrid since I got back, so it was lucky I took my leave when I did. It looks as tho winter is really on the threshold, but it doesn't seem so bad, now that it is about to start. One thing there is always spring to look forward to. And we'll hope that next spring will bring in one of the most important years in history, because we should see a definite turn toward victory next year. Many important things seem to be in progress even now. I had been much concerned with the issue in the Solomon islands since the Japs started their attempt to get re-established there, but the news over this weekend seems reassuring. The US forces seem to be doing a real job down there. Sometimes it seems as if the Canadians have got stranded here in England, and that the war has passed us by, but no doubt our turn will come. It is rather trying tho to be spectators so long, while others are fighting such vital actions elsewhere.

Lorne came for the afternoon yesterday, and we walked up to the Morris's for tea in the afternoon, They like him very much. He had to leave before supper as he had a long way to get back to his unit. He looks fine, and his crowns fit him very well.

Managed to squeeze in time on Friday to get some books for Mary hope they are not too late for Xmas. I only wrote in one of them which I should especially like her to have, One, or if you like, two of the others are for Graham. Am not sure whether I sent the one about the hedgehog before, I would like her to have that one too, but if I have already sent it, you could give that one to Grahame, I chose these largely because the illustrations are so good, and quite different in each book. You will love the story of the little blue hippopotamus.
Your husband is now a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society, I hope you don't mind, as it cost me £8, for initiation fees incl annual dues to 1 Jan 1944. Thereafter it costs £3 per year. It is quite an honour I suppose, and if we find it too expensive after I can always withdraw. Some fellows spend that much on a single party, or a weekend in town. My week's leave only cost me £7 this time, and 15 shillings the last time at Haywards. For a fellow in my profession, these affiliations are valuable I think.

Well dear, I hope this won't be too long in reaching you. Do you think you will be likely to spend Xmas in California? I sent he books to 20 Marlborough.



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