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Date: June 30th 1940


c/o Chief Postal Censor,



30 June 1940

Dearest Jean:

Your letter of 7th June from Victoria arrived a couple of days ago - and it was good to learn that you are safely back in Victoria with Mary. I gather that you had no difficulty with the customs, or immigration.

Before I go on, this is Sunday morning, and I am up on the roof, where there is a sort of roof garden and it is a lovely summer morning - I had a nice leisurely breakfast and I am really all set to enjoy this Sunday morning visit with you. I have lots of other visits with you - mentally whenever I have time to think - but I actually look forward to these quiet uninterrupted chats when I can put down on paper my thoughts & [?] for you, & Mary. The troops are having a church service - and things are quiet & peaceful. So far I have not been in the habit of going to church.

So you have a job! Well dear, you are a plucky girl - and I admire you - I almost wanted to cry just the same when I read of it. It is hard to realize that my wife has to work, and be away all day from her baby - I only hope that you won't find it too much - and that you aren't too tired after work to enjoy your time with Mary. If you continue to work - I do hope you will be able to keep the car, because that will help you to get around, both to work and on week-ends. You will have had your first pay-day, as a civil servant - Am afraid they don't pay very handsomely. Am looking forward to your next letters to know how it is going to work out - You must try to have some enjoyment and don't try to deny yourself for the sake of piling up a big bank account. That is one reason why I would like you to have the car, you will need that convenience & means of enjoyment to offset the extra load of responsibility you have taken on.

In this connection, as I mentioned in my last letter, there is a likely possibility that I may be transferred into the Canadian army - at their request, and if that comes about, I shall be paid considerably more than at present. That was the reason they cancelled arrangements for me to go overseas with Bill at the last minute. How long it will take to go through is a question - but I am pretty sure it will go through. For the time being, I am carrying on here, and continuing my training - so I am not wasting my time altogether.

It is nice that you have such a fine place to stay during the summer - right by the park - I imagine you have discovered some of the nice paths through it to the buildings. I can't imagine anybody nicer than Mary Garman for you to be with - you must tell her that I too appreciate her kindness. I have been wondering if you have been able to get Joyce Murray to look after Mary during the day. I hope you have been able to find a good girl - that will help a lot.

I am very pleased to hear how nice Mr Grey and the Forestry people have been to you - You must thank them for me. I can just picture you getting used to the funny old buildings - finding your way about, and sorting out all the different people. I have a lot of very good friends in the hands Dept - and I hope you will have a chance to meet as many of them as possible. No doubt you have discovered where Miss Wilde works. Give her my regards, also to the Captain.

I have, since returning from leave, been attached, with a group of student officers, to a new class in elementary military training - in other words to an "awkward squad" - and I am learning all about elementary drill, and rifle training - as well as taking lectures in military subjects. I am glad of this opportunity to get some real soldiering because, no matter what specialized work an officer is assigned to, he should know and be able to do the fundamental things expected of the ranks. I am also taking P.T. every morning - this is optional, but I thought it would do me good, and keep me fit. It is a stiff course, arranged for younger chaps than I, but so far I have survived, and am already feeling the benefit of it.

It is a bit windy up here, so my writing is not too good.

No doubt you have been reading the news, and follow the developments each day - and of course you will be reading that Hitler will be attacking this country in earnest soon - when this starts, you must remember that we will give him a hot reception, and you must try not to worry about me - if mail services are interrupted, my letter may be delayed, or even lost, and you will have to be prepared to endure long periods without regular news of me. It will be then that you must exercise all the faith & hope you have, because the news in the papers & on the radio may not be very good for a while - but I am sure we will survive any attack triumphantly - and eventually good news will follow, so be of good courage - all will be well. It may well be that we are approaching the turning point in the war, and that the attempt on England may prove Hitler's undoing.

Had a letter from Nora - they are moving into their new house, address as follows.

Mrs John M Sloone,

539 Briar Hill Ave,


Nora mentioned having heard from you - and she is having rather a hard time with moving no maid, etc. & the heat - and the heat can be oppressive in Toronto. She is expecting her baby in September I think - Betty is going to Winnipeg for the summer, that will give Mary a bit of rest at London.

Thanks for sending the cigs & Tobacco - I guess they will arrive on the next mail - I think once a month would be plenty for my needs on tobacco & cigarettes.

Well dear - there isn't much more of interest. The officer taking one course is a Major from India - and I like him very much - he seems to be a keen soldier - and a cultured gentleman.

If you see Doug Macdougall tell him one of his pithy letters would do a lot of good - all my love dear - to you & Mary.

As ever


P.S. I forgot to note the number of Garmans house on Heywood Ave, so am sending this c/o Swannell's.

You will know by now that your letters have all come through very regularly & promptly for the last month. This last was the first to come through Chief Postal Censor.

Am curious to know how Mulholland is getting along. Think I will try to write him.

Love -


Original Scans

Original Scans