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Date: June 8th 1941

No. 65.

Lieut. GS Andrews, RCE

Intelligence Branch,

H.Q. Canadian Corps,

Canadian Army Overseas.

England, 8 June, 1941.

Dearest June:

Your cable arrived on Friday, and was such a relief, and thrilling to know that you and Mary are in our own home at last. Then, your letter of 11 May, written in the hospital, arrived yesterday. It was brave of you to write me such a long letter right after your operation, you are abrick. The mails have been pretty good lately, l which I hope is a good omen on the battle of the Atlantic. I am very glad you had such a good Doctor, and that you had a nice room in the hospital. Now, you must be most careful, not to overdo things in getting established in the house, after an operation. I wish you would try to figure some way to keep Felgie. I would not worry nearly so much about you if I knew that you had her to help you, and to be there with you. She sounds like the ideal person for you. I may soon know definitely where I stand on this matter of army pay, so hope I can give you a more definite idea of what to expect in the matter of finances. Let me know when your increase of assignment of $25 per month begins to come through. Glad the $134 came at such an opportune time, and I hope I can send another bit soon.

When you see Dr. Nash, tell him I am very glad that you are in his care on this episode, and give him my regards.

I think the idea of a pup for ME is a good one, and hope you can get an intelligent, and affectionate one, and a good watch dog at the same time. I don't go much for fancy pedigree ones, which are usually costly, delicate, and too inbred to have much brains. Also we want neither a lap dog, nor a mastiff. A Beeleyham, related to Susanne McKinnon would be fine, or a Scottie. A short haired dog has its advantages too.

We have had a lot of rain, accompanied with thunder showers this past week, but after it clears, the country looks lovely. I went down to Dorking this afternoon for a couple hours, and tea. Mr and Mrs H. are away on a little holiday, but Margaret and her aunt were home. There had been no further news from Bill, or Mr. Hall.

Tomorrow am expecting to go up to London on business, and may have time to attend a meeting of the Royal Geographical Society. A friend of mine in the RAF is giving a lecture on air photography in the present war, and I am hoping to see Mr. Hinks, the secretary again to discuss some topics of mutual interest.

Have made the acquaintance of a very fine chap, who is 2 i/c of our branch of the corps, Capt Bosworth. He was in the last war, so is a little older than the average, but he is a great fellow. In civilian life, he is a member of a firm of music publishers, of the same name. He has travelled extensively in Europe, and is an ardent skier. It has taken a long time to get to know him, but there is a lot behind his quiet front. He is an Imperial officer, attached to our corps, and I suppose eventually he will be replaced by a Canadian, and we will be sorry to see him go. I sometimes wonder what he thinks of us younger fellows, especially some of them, who seem to be "boy wonders" you know, hardly weaned, with lots of brass up. A fellow needs to be a philosopher in the army, more so, perhaps than in most other walks of life. and perhaps more so in the Canadian Army than in the British. The hallowed names of Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, RMC (Kingston) seem to have a special significance. I sometimes feel like one of Roger's Rangers of "Northwest Passage" and if the truth were known, I guess I feel as superior to them, as they evidently do to me. (the 'polished' easterners)

It appears that I am to go on leave in about a week. The roster so arranged it. here, and I think one does better work in the long run for having a break. If nothing interferes, I plan to go down to Somerset, to do some cycling. Herbert Hammond, a Victoria chap will go with. Will scout out the country were Lorna Doone lived.

Well dear, there isn't much further. If you happen to be sending a parcel sometime, put in a package of black pepper corns, I have a grinder, which is much in demand in the mess, and sometimes a the corns are hard to get. Also, any odd corners fill up with lemons. We a really doing very well, getting some greens now, and it makes a great difference.

All my love to you both

As ever


Don't forget our new address on your next letter.

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