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Date: December 8th 1941

(Can) R.74906
Sgt. Pilot Davey J.V.
129 (Mysore) Squadron R.A.F.
Dec 8/41

Dear Mother, Dad & Art:

Well I sure have had surprises the last two days. I have just come back from a 48 saw Aunt Edie & Uncle Harry yesterday and awaiting me were three letters you #11, one from Aunt Necia & the other Auntie Ethel. I had expected Con's & Mr Lindners parcels but they hadn't arrived and an arriving back here today, the mail rack contained, you Airgraph of Nov 18 a letter from Aunt Kelly & one from Ted. - (Ginger is over here now & Ted says he has seen him for a few hours.) I then went flying and on returning to my room lo' & behold a lovely big parcel and I can't express how happy I was, it took me quite awhile to open it, gee folks its really swell of you all honestly, I have already had some peanut butter - Ted & I - my roommate an Australian chap. at first I thought the parcel was for him as it was on his bed and we have both been anxiously awaiting his as we had polished off my cake & bars in short order. Everything was swell, the shirt, socks - all of it. please tell Auntie Bee and Auntie Alice that I like the socks very much. Boy I have got plenty of shirts & socks now, can always use them tho' I am looking out for a small suitcase so I can put my shirts hankies etc in as it is rather awkward in kit bags. I used a couple of lumps of sugar for tea You just can't imagine how happy I was, ferriting out that box it was really thrilling no fooling, Well Aunt Kit & Uncle Harry have both received their parcels & were very pleased. They all came without any damaged. I must hand it to you Dad you sure know how to pack parcels.

I had three cable grams this morning to be delivered around Xmas, one to you - Con & the Quality Press. also Mom - I sent a small hanky to you & also Con so please look out for them and as far as Dad & Art go - well I just haven't anything but Dad as I said before use one of my incoming cheques & buy for all & also take some out for a case of beer for your Christmas or New Year dinners okay.

You shouldn't have told me about getting an Indian sweater from Con I heard it was a sweater but an Indian will really be great for flooging in, I'll really be packed in the cockpit now just like a bug in the rug or sardines.

I have just finished writing to Mr Palmer, acknowledging the cigs, I wrote Mr & Mrs Freeman the other day about their arriving every thing seems to be arriving nicely nowadays, I guess it is because I am finally settled in a Squadron. I'm sorry I haven't conveyed much news in those letters. but I try & think of something interesting. No I haven't found my lost bag yet. maybe one of these days. I always visit the Beaver Club & American Eagle Club when I go in there. I was hoping I might run into, Pete Palin, Ray Walls or Cecil this week end but no luck I did run into a chap Jack Cline an Oak Bay Boy, went to High with him, he is an L.AC. wireless man. and is trying to get into air crew. If you see Brent or Geoff - Art tell them I saw Jack will you please. as he was inquiring about them. he has been over here over a year now. I say Bill Michelin was lucky to get back to Victoria again. I sure wouldn't mind it either, maybe one of these days now the Japs have started, it would really be a great treat to be posted out there in a Spitty fighter squadron. I have written George & if he writes promptly I should hear from him tomorrow.

Yes I know they have boys giving greetings over the air, I haven't been in when anything like that has been going on, I usually listen to those programmes also programmes of families sending greetings over here, haven't heard anyone I know yet. I may hit it one of these days and be able to say hello to you

Thanking you for the new items, I was sure sorry to hear about Mr Bridges, a rather bad accident, I imagine it rather shook him, please give my regards to him and hope he gets along okay. I guess it will handycap him with his work too. I heard some sad news yesterday from a chap I knew. he had heard that Miles Howlett was dead, apparently he was burned to death at night when the billet he was in burnt down. Miles was posted around where I was for O.T.U. on the Hurricanes. I was really sorry to hear that as Miles was really a top notch fellow. none better, please tell Con as she has met Miles, when we were in Vancouver. I don't know whether Don knows or not as I haven't heard from him this week.

Now my dear family I shall wind up again and bid you a bye for now, oh by the way thanks for the notepaper, it's swell as you probably have seen some of the paper I have written on is terrible. This is good. so bye for now with all my love.

Loving son

Thanks for the Players Art. & am awaiting a letter from you. Hows the wireless coming, say hello to Art Chapman for me. eh.

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