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Date: December 21st 1944

No. 93.

Capt. G.S. Andrews. R.C.E.,

Survey Directorate

H.Q. Cdn Corps

Cdn Army Overseas.

England, 21 Dec 41.

Dear Jean:

This week I received 4 Airgraphs from Victoria, yours of 21 Nov. and 4 December - and one from Gertrude and one from Eric Garman. The time for the fastest was just about 2 weeks, although I suspect that they don't travel very fast from the point of arrival in this country to our H.Q. Army mail service in this country is notoriously slow. The airgraphs are excellent, fully legible - and a lot on each one, especially if they are Typewritten. I don't know when the service will start from here to N.A. because there are more aircraft coming this way than going west. I'm enclosing one of yours, so you can see just how it turned out.

I called in at Morris' today for a few minutes en route home from the Survey Coy. and they had received your parcel - the one with the cake in it - and are even so happy about it - I had a taste of the cake, and it is a beauty - you get 100% on that alright - my parcels have not arrived yet, but they will likely come along in a day or two, because they must have come on the same boat as Morris' - anyway I have it on good authority that no mail has been sunk to-date.

Am afraid you all worried too much about my tonsils Have been fit as a fiddle ever since - not even a cold -

It has not been a very exciting work - sometimes I don't seem to get much done - the news from the far east isn't too good - but in time I think we will hear more good news from there. Looks as though our troops in Hong Kong are in a tough spot but the situation there is almost untenable - we must hold Singapore - and the Philippines - Am anxious to hear how you are standing up to the black-out. Thank goodness we have reached the shortest day in the year - which means we are half way through the dark days - it would be nice to think of that as symbolic of other things too.

I hoe you got my last remittance in time for Xmas, and that your birthday present got there too.

Bert Hammond went with us to-day as far as Morris where he stayed till we came back from the Svy Coy - they like him very much - I left Mrs. Morris a little book for Xmas - Lady Tweedsmuir "Canada" - it has some very attractive and original illustrations - in color and in black and white - If I get a chance I'd like to get another one for our own library - unfortunately I was not successful in finding a little gift for Ecila - someday I'll see something she would like - and I can get it for her there. She is a grand person - and we are the best of friends - without the worry of getting involved - Its really too bad that some good fellow hasn't come along and married her - Unfortunately she is on the wrong side of 40 - and as most men are blind - I guess that won't happen - Both she and Mrs. M. are very anxious to meet you and Mary - they think you are just right.

We have had no snow yet - some foggy days and nights - makes it tough on the drivers and the dispatch riders - To-day was bright & crisp - Hammond walked down for lunch - he gets lonely - at the big mess at advance H.Q. - it is dull place. We are really fortunate here. The office which Major Meuser & I occupy is paneled in oak - with some interesting old carving - probably originating in an earlier house on the same site. Also we have big windows - and good light - and a fine place of course. My table is always untidy -

They have put up some Xmas decorations in the mess - and it looks quite festive. I expect to be here for most of the day - have avoided one or two invitations out to dinner, because it is so difficult to get places, unless special motor transport has been laid on - and that means a long dull trip for a driver. Anyway we will be quite happy here - and my thoughts will be with you and Mary. I hope Gertrude will be with you -

Am going to try to get 2 weeks leave in February - and am thinking of going down to Torquay - in Penzance - Bert Hammond may try to get him at the same time - and we may go together -

I was thinking the other day that if there heavy boots of mien are still kicking around, they would be useful here - I could oil them up - They would be howdy for tramping around in the wood next spring - if they have disappeared - it doesn't matter.

Well dear - its time to hear the 9 oclock news - All my love -

As ever


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